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Chapter 47
Poor boy

We'd arrived back to Hogwarts. Sixth year, but not your average sixth year. This year could consist of a war and losing everything you hold dearly. But I try to ignore that, I try to ignore the fact that my friends, or I'd consider my found family, I could lose them. All of them. Within a matter of minutes. I should try to focus on the good, I'm surrounded by amazing people.
I'm surrounded by support and love, but who knows how long this will last. Damn it stop going back to the war. Everything will be okay, I hope.

I'd walked into Slytherin common room alongside Sage and Alden, but no Regulus.
Sirius and I had checked around the carriages for Reg, but nothing. Or at least not yet.
"I'll check our dorm." Alden announced, "Y/n and I will check around the fire." Sage said as we walked towards the couches.
"What if he's .. gone." I trembled turning to Sage, "He's not." Sage reassured placing her hand on my shoulder, "I know he isn't." She added.

"No sign of him." Alden said coming down the stairs, "He's nowhere down here either." Sage replied, "Let's check the Great hall." I suggested and we all walked towards the great hall.
We'd searched each table, we even checked Hufflepuff. Still nowhere to be seen.
I'd ran into Sirius in the great hall, "Still nothing." I said while burying my head into his chest and he slowly wrapped his arms around me. "We will find him. I promise." He reassured.
I didn't reply, I just nodded.
I wanted to believe we would find him soon enough, but at this point our odds don't look great.

Moments later Dumbledore announced for all students to sit at there designated house tables, I went and sat with the Slytherins, not my usual but I sort of missed the constant sarcastic comebacks. "Good evening student! I would like to begin by saying the forbidden forest is off limits for all! Yes 7th years that means you too!" Dumbledore announced, "This year shall be great, let's go forth and begin the feast!" Dumbledore smiled with a raise of his hands the plates filled. I'd usually be overly excited about the feast, but with Regulus not being here, my appetite had flown away. "You should eat something." Sage nudged, "I'm not hungry." I protested, "I don't care, you need to eat something." Sage said, "It's true l/n, I've seen you when you don't eat. You're terrifying." Alden chuckled.

The next day came quickly and still no sign of Regulus, I'd decided to take it upon myself to talk to Professor Dumbledore and ask him what to do.
I'd walked towards his office on my own and as I turned the corner I ran into someone, I'd assumed it was your average sixth year.
I looked up to see a boy with brown scraggly hair, looked to not have been brushed in at least a week. Cuts covering his jaw, one below his eye and one above his brow, and familiar cold eyes.

I quickly embraced him tightly, "Regulus!" I breathed and he was awkward and was not himself. He was taller than the last time I saw him, "We've all been so worried about you." I informed him, "You shouldn't have been. I was fine." He blankly replied. He looked extremely tired, he could barely keep his eyes open.
"You didn't visit." I said trying to start some sort of conversation, "Mhm." He hummed, "Never mind." I said beginning to walk away from this one sided conversation.
"Y/n - wait." Regulus croaked. "What?" I asked still walking and not turning.
"I'm sorry- I'm sorry I didn't visit, I just got a little busy." Regulus trembled, Mhm busy working under the dark lord? "It's okay." I lied, it's not okay, he should've told us, we could've helped maybe. "You should go see Sirius, Sage and Alden. There all worried sick." I suggested before walking away, "Wait y/n!" Regulus yelled, I turned around not saying anything, "I missed you." He smiled but you could see the pain behind his smile, maybe it was the cut on his jaw, or maybe he's just mentally broken.

Probably both.

I walked around the corner seeing two familiar boys, both in black and dark blue robes.
Étienne and Elio. "Good morning l/n." Elio smiled, "Morning." I blankly replied.
"Regulus is back. Poor boy," Étienne said trying not to laugh. I wouldn't take these two boys bullshit so I pulled out my wand pointing it towards Étienne and shifting it to Elio knocking them both off there feet.
I heard groaning from the distance but once I turned the corner I ran quickly towards Gryffindor common room.

"James Potter is my favourite." I said and the door opened quickly. The boys figured out how to change the password and now are using it to their advantage. I ran up to the boys dorms and the boys were there sitting in the usual circle on the floor. "What did you do.." James asked, "What do you mean?" I asked still a bit out of breath, "You ran here." James laughed, "We saw it on the map. One second you were with Étienne and Elio and the next you were gone." Remus added, "I just knocked them off their feet." I laughed, "That's my girl." Sirius smiled.

"Sirius can we talk?" I said, "In private."

Authors note

Sorry this is short, I have to get some sleep for school tomorrow:/ anyways have an amazing day/night, also pls vote <33

Alsoooo 6k reads!! I love you all :)

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