CHAPTER FIFTY: Island In The Sun (Part Two)

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Leon's POV:

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Leon's POV:

I shouldn't be doing this now, checking my watch will only make her think this is being rushed. What was I thinking bringing her out in a public scene? She's to be protected and keep a low profile. I think it would've been safer keeping her inside, but I can only keep her contained for so long before she'll start to rebel against me. I couldn't help but grin as I gaze at her. Her head was lowered slightly like she's avoiding eye contact with me. It's sort of cute actually. 

I owe this to her.

Sitting here, across from her-- dinning in at some restaurant. With my mindset focused on the missions, she's been fighting her way trying to follow my path no matter how many obstacles got in her way. The years she's been waiting for me, it made her stronger..

I'm truly at fault for making her wait so long.. I wanna say, 'I'm sorry' but that isn't enough.

Seeing her younger self and her present self with a blink of an eye makes me all the more guilty..  but that smile she's showing.. its kind of a relief. She's come a long way since then. She is stubborn after all. She hesitantly raises her chin up to challenge herself to look at me. There they are, those (E/c) eyes of hers. How long can she keep this up? 

My stare breaks away when someone four tables away from us stands up abruptly. My right hand instinctively twists to my lower back feeling the gun in my grip. Index finger lightly stroking the safety switch. I let out a quiet exhale loosening my grip. 

I can hear Claire's voice in my ear reminding me..

"It's two adults going out for dinner"

Low profile enough? I don't know. As much as I want to take her home... the look on her face expresses how happy she is, so carefree. Something somewhere caught her attention, she doesn't know it but I'm secretly giving her a smile. 

She shifts in her seat taking off the maroon leather jacket. Claire's jacket. It was a birthday gift I'd given Claire, I find it kind of ironic that she picked that one to wear. She wraps the jacket behind her seat to hang, I see a bit of the white bandages peaking out underneath her short sleeve. My smile slowly dissipates.  Her eyes meet back with mine breaking my stare at the bandages, she took notice and tugged down on her sleeve. 

Hmm. I'm curious about something. I can be blunt about it or work my way. 

(Leon)-" I want to ask you something."

(Y/n)- " What is it?" She moves her hands off the table and onto her lap, she's nervous. Her mind is probably flooding with questions. I drop my chin slightly with a grin and chuckle in my throat. I lean back in my seat with my hands resting in my lap same as her. I can tell she's trying to read me, but if I mimic her she wont figure it out. 

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