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It's been such a long, I'm sooooooo sorry for being away for too long. I missed this.

Writer's block, ya know.

Hopefully you didn't forget about Leon.


Leon's POV

The sun should be coming up shortly, those guys probably want to get out of the shed and stretch a little.  

I set the knife on the cutting board and wiped my hands on a clean rag. I'll continue when I get back, (Y/n)'s probably going to sleep in a little longer so need for me to rush. Part of my lip starts to grin on its own with slight head shake almost as if I should be to blame.

Making my way to the back of the house opening the back door the wind immediately entered in. Walking through the green wet grass I reach the shed and unlocked it, Major was already at the door scratching the wood. The door creaks open and out he goes sprinting all around Claire's backyard. He rushes towards me placing his front paws on my knees waiting for me to pet the top of his head. I scratch behind his ears and even under his chin. He licks the side of my palm and off he goes to the brushes. I popped my head inside to see if Cyrano wants to come on out. We locked eyes with each other.

(Leon)-" You coming too?" He blinks slowly giving me no other response. I guess he doesn't want to come out then.  I stepped foot into the shed and see their dishes, Lowering down, I reach for their food bowls and picked them up. Towards the back of the shed small containers filled them their food, surprisingly not tipped over. I refill their bowls and set them back in its place, they could use some fresh water as well. 

After taking care of them for a bit, I head back inside closing the door behind me. Some noises came from the kitchen, Either Claire or (Y/n) are up. There I see setting two ceramic white cups is Claire, her hair in a high pony tail and wearing workout attire. She's looking healthy and fit.

(Claire)-" Mornin'" She says with a big smile, she's too much of a morning person.

(Leon)- "Morning" She picks up the fresh brewed coffee pot and pours for the two of us. 

(Leon)- "Thanks" I take the warm cup and raise it to my lips and blow at the steam. 

(Claire)-" How was last night?" Her tone was a little subjective. She takes a sip of her coffee but looking up to me with a raised brow. I lightly chuckle taking a sip of coffee before I speak.

(Leon)- "We're guests in your home, Claire." It doesn't surprise me, THAT would be the first thing that came to her mind.She lightly laughs under her breath and takes another sip from her cup. I take one more sip and stand by the counter where I last placed the knife. 

(Claire)- " As a guest, you don't need to make breakfast." 

(Leon)- "You know me." I take the knife in my hand, feeling my instincts flowing through my fingertips..flashbacks of Krauser come to mind. Pointing the knife downward and start to cut up vegetables where I left off. 

(Claire)- "You don't have to but while your at it, I'd like mine scrambled." She winks and flashes a wide grin. I hear footsteps approaching, she's finally awake. She appears in the kitchen with her hair in a messy bun, pajama pants-- including my shirt from last night. She stands there waiting for us to ask her to join us.

(Claire)- "Morning. Coffee?" she asks lifting her cup.

(Y/n)-" Yeah-- sounds good." her voice was a little off, she seems...different.  I put the knife down again on the cutting board and stepped around the counter to approach her. She froze still as I tower her. Her throat moves, she swallowed. She's nervous. 

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now