CHAPTER ELEVEN: Blood Circulator

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Sorry it's been a long while since I last posted, I've been just in a slump. I needed to take a break and get inspiration, It's gonna take some time. 

I'm slowly getting back into it. 


What the hell did I just get myself into? I don't know what is going on around here

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What the hell did I just get myself into? I don't know what is going on around here. Fuck! There could be other monsters roaming around this station. God-- that sounds fucking crazy.  I look down at my hands, they were slightly trembling--the knife shaking side to side. I have to be strong, I have to be if we're gonna make it out of here. All of us. I take in a deep breath in,raising the knife up to the tapped box. I exhale the air out, sliding the knife down to cut the tape. Alright, first step is done. I step out for Leon to take lead and open the box to grab onto the lever and pulled it downwards to open the gates to our left. The sounds of the gates shaking and rattling as they raise are giving me the chills. If you think about it, someone closed those gates for a reason.

(Leon)- "This is not how I imagined my first day..." He slightly shakes his head side to side. First day being a rookie in a zombie infested town? I wouldn't want to be in his shoes.

(Y/n)- "I think I know why my date didn't show..." Eric being late, he and everyone else must've got caught up on the streets. Hell-- the streets are just crawling with infected people. 

(Leon)- "You were on a date?" He turns, his blue eyes centered at me. I was taken back by them. 

(Y/n)- "Yeah, I think it was a sign." I shrug

(Leon)- "A sign for...?" he trails off. 

(Y/n)- "Maybe the date was going to flop"  I give him a side smirk, but I quickly take it back thinking that guy, Eric, might be dead. 

(Leon)- "Sorry if this isn't any better." He chuckles making me grin lightly. The gates were finally raised.

(Leon)- "Okay, lets go" he wields his handgun aiming low to the ground. He begins to look around, finding left over items left behind. I walk towards the window, the sounds of the rain hitting against the glass isn't making the setting any better. I look down at my shoes, of blood leading to path around the corner. 

(Y/n)- "Leon..." 

(Leon)- "Yeah...I see it too." He makes a left turn seeing a door at the corner. His hand reaches the knob and turns it, making it creak as he pushes forward. Oh shit-- I really don't like this. I can't see far ahead--it's pitch black. Leon quickly takes out a flashlight leading the way. It makes it even worse that the beam doesn't reach that far, only a short distance away. Walking down the hall, hearing all sorts of noises coming from inside--or it could be outside--I don't know. 

(Radio)- "This is 73-Bird----for rescue." I jump back--my hand quickly covering my mouth to muffle my shrieks. God damn it! I hate this! Looking over Leon's shoulder, the windows were boarded up, someone was smart-- trying to keep this building safe, but seeing some windows were isnt settling well with me.

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