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Hello Friends 

I know I'm dragging posting a chapter.

 I'm extremely busy-- trying to get this typed out and work on other stories.... *cough,cough* trying to get A Katsuki Bakugo x reader going-- if y'all are interested. 

Also injured my finger pretty badly so that's fun as well..

ANYWAYS...Here's a long chapter for you guys. 

Enjoy xD


Your POV:

Oh shit.

My leg begins to shake underneath the table cloth. Did they find us? If they have, I have to pretend nothing is wrong. Relax, take in a breath in and out. My right hand reaches for a fork and stuck it to the hot chicken on my plate. What a waste of a perfectly good meal. I pick up a knife and cut a piece off seeing steam escape. My stomach grumbled...being told not to eat anything is making me want to take a bite... just one. No no, you heard what Leon said. This plate could have been tampered with. It's a clever idea, if Leon weren't here I'd most likely would have been dead on the floor. I casually push my hair aside, looking towards the exits there were many people coming, going and waiting to be seated. No one looks out of the ordinary...

...Wait...Hold on...

A woman with long ash-blonde hair, a fitted black power suit, She has business to take care of....unfortunately that 'business' is me. She sat across the restaurant by her lonesome, she's looking down at a menu talking to herself. Her lips are moving too fast for me to read, I wonder if Leon spotted her. I scan peoples faces as they walk by, they don't seem to mind me. A set of brown eyes meets my observation, this man looked to be late thirties, average build and short dark hair. His light grey suit hides any possibility that he could be carrying a dangerous weapon. he gives me a half grin and a wink as he walks on by.

I shut my eyes and let out a sigh, It was too good to be true, right? In the back of my mind I thought something was going to ruin this night for us, I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up thinking we can have something normal such as having a night out together. A smile started to slowly form, don't know why I'm smiling at this current situation.

Without giving a thought my body decided to get up on it's own heading in the direction Leon went. There he is, he's heading towards the back of the restaurant. As I got closer he quickly twisted his body raising his fist at me. My instant reaction was my training I had learned from Chris, my left forearm uppercuts his arm raising his fist just above my left shoulder--missing me. My right hand is closed into a fist going in for a chest jab, At the last second I opened my palm landing my hand on his chest to avoid hurting him. I look up to meet his eyes, he was taken by surprise at my  counterattack. I can feel his heart beating under my palm.

(Leon)-"What are you doing?" He whispers, looking at our crossing forearms with fascination that I countered it so smoothly. He probably thought I was an enemy. 

(Y/n)- "You left me there unprotected" 

(Leon)-" I knew you'd be fine for a few minutes, they're not going to make a move with so many people around." He checks the hallway going in the direction to the kitchen.

(Y/n)-" Who's 'They' ?" I asked.  He looks over his shoulder seeing a side eye.

(Leon)-"Mercenaries most likely." Feeling a chill shiver down my spine, The people here-- they don't know they could be in danger. These people are here enjoying their meals, their company-- we can't do anything that's going to jeopardize them.

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now