CHAPTER TWENTY EIGHT: Shakin' Off The Rust (Part Two)

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Day two of Training

A few strands of my hair fall to my face, droplets of sweat dripping down the temples of my forehead. The palms of my hands have a severe burning like sensation--aghh!

(Tanner)- " Come on (Y/n)-- you got this!" he cheers down below me, at any second I could fall but he has the other end of the rope to safely put me back down if I were.

This exercise is the physical part, going through obstacles-- being able to get to the extraction point if the route we're following is blocked. My right hand releases the rope to reach upwards to hoist my body further...I feel the intensity in my arm muscles.They haven't been used to this extreme in a long time! They're shaking-- begging me to stop!

(Tanner)-" Almost there-- keep climbing up and grab onto the edge to lift yourself up!" Why does this exercise matter? Chris isn't even here watching-- other BSAA soldiers are here keeping an eye on us. I took a quick second to view the others and see where they are in the obstacle course, Marquez and Harrison were both climbing up the high wall of rope-- climbing up to reach the very top of the platform. They were side by side-- doing pretty well as a team. Porter and Scott are ahead of Tanner and I-- just about to monkey cross to the other platform. Only thing scary about it is if one of them were to fall-- its a long drop into the catching net. Once I get up there-- Oh man...Its gonna take me some time..

My left hand reaches and lift myself up further on up the rope. I groan-- feeling the burning in my hands and biceps continuously. I'm almost to the top-- just a little bit more.I make the final reach--my arm extends out to lift myself to the very top of the platform. I don't think I can do anymore-- I need an hour long break. I made it to the very top-- laying my body flat on the surface with my face up to the ceiling and chest rising up and down to catch my breath. I want to give up already-- I can't take the pain anymore...

(Porter)- "Giving up, sweetheart?" he says in a teasing way. I barely raise my head to give him a glare, he spots it and a smile grew on his face. He would want me to give up-- this is all a game to him.

(Y/n)- " Not a chance" I say as I got up to stand on my feet, I detach my hook from the rope and hook it to the railing behind us--- now it's Tanner's turn to climb his way up, I secured his safety.

(Porter)-" Oh darn-- and here I was waiting for you to give up..maybe that will automatically give me a win" He watches for Scott for a brief moment before moving his eyes back to me.

(Y/n)- "You should keep an eye on your partner"

(Porter)-"She's got this-- ain't her first rodeo" Tanner makes it up to the top platform to join us, he was covered in a layer of sweat-- he made that look easy.

(Porter)-"Pretty boy finally made it. Whatta' say Sweetheart? Let's see who makes it across quicker?" he says as he slaps my upper back with some force. Ow...

(Tanner)- " This isn't a competition, Porter. This exercise is training to work with your partner."

(Porter)- " A little competition won't hurt anybody. The captain isn't here--come on!" Scott makes it across with a few close calls. She places her hands on her hips waiting for her partner to join her on the other side.

(Tanner)- "You don't have to this (Y/n)..." he whispers close to my ear. I know I don't have to do this-- but Porter is annoying me to the point where maybe I want to show off what I can do. I let out a sigh through my nostrils, I positioned myself ready to the bars to climb when ready.

(Porter)- "Atta' girl! First one to fall loses." He gets ready himself cracking his fingers before we start.

(Porter)- "Give us the Go, pretty boy!" Tanner swears under his breath, annoyed by the new nickname. I spread my legs shoulder length apart to prepare.

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