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(Time Skip)

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(Time Skip)

I roll the arm sleeve of my black t-shirt down as gently as I can to avoid causing pain in my shoulder. It's been swabbed for DNA left behind from the BOW, cleaned, stitched and bandaged up.  The mission has been somewhat completed, we ran out of time but we did bring back samples and information on Kamil's experiments.  It's still spinning around in my mind that he played it off so well...becoming friends with everyone yet he still had the intentions of using them. Even with me.

(Doctor)- "Consider yourself lucky." The doctor distracted my train of thought.

(Y/n)- "Excuse me?"

(Doctor)- "Lucky it didn't take a chunk out of your arm there." He says while eyes glued to a tablet filing in reports about this little visit.

(Y/n)- " I suppose so, I'm just glad it was me-- if it were anyone they'd be infected and possibly mutate."

(Doctor)- " That's most likely to occur. Reading into your medical history given to us from a personal friend of Captain Redfield-- your body is adapted to this new strain."

(Y/n)-"I am-- I just don't know why It's healing slowly."

(Doctor)- "These samples will let us find out why. We're done here, you are free to leave"

(Y/n)- " Thanks Doc." I say as I hop down from the examination bed, crinkling the paper as I go-- ugh why do they still use those? It's just an ear sore. I push the door outward to exit-- hoping not to hit anyone with it. BSAA soldiers continuously were on the move never seems to end. I follow them-- leading me to wherever they are heading, I don't have anything else to do today so might as well just waste some time--wait for this injury to heal.

I've been lead to the plaque of fallen soldier names, they were adding more to them..

Jeff Detoro

Crystal Adan

Edward Clover

Marcia Scott.

She was the one that didn't make it out of all of us. I'm curious if she went down fighting, or was she afraid?

(Soldier)- " Did you know any of 'em?" he finishes up the plaque giving it a good wipe to make them shine.

(Y/n)- " Yeah..."

(Soldier)- " Stay strong." He says saluting before he walks away. My feet begins to walk on their own leading me to wherever they take me. Reading the signs near me-- looks like I'm heading towards the cafeteria...that would be where I'm going. 

I entered the cafeteria zone and it was the same everywhere else, people coming and going. My eyes scan the entire area--hearing so many voices overlapping. A lot of laughs and smiles. I think I'm the only one in here with a plain expression.  An arm waves up in the air to get my attention, the arm waving me down is Tanner. He wasn't alone, Marquez, Harrison and Porter were also at the table. I make my way over-- being careful not to bump into people.

(Tanner)-" (Y/n)-- come, sit down." he scoots in closer to Porter for him to make room at the edge for me. I fit perfectly. I look up at everyone's faces-- they all seem down about losing Scott. Hell..I am too.

(Tanner)- "Hows your shoulder?"

(Y/n)- "Could be better?" I would shrug if I could but that would just cause me more pain. 

(Porter)- "You not doing your healing ability?" he waves his fingers if he were sprinkling pixie dust. It doesn't work that way. 

(Y/n)- " It's suppose to do that on it's own."

(Harrison)- "Why isn't it working then?"

(Y/n)- " I dont know.."

(Tanner)- " Guys just....Let her eat something" He cuts them off from asking anymore questions. He slides over his tray of food that seems to be untouched. The tray looks like there's spaghetti, mixed vegetables and a small loaf of pound bread. Just looking at it made my stomach rumble-- it's empty and wanting me to fill it with food.

 I'm not such in the mood to eat, my mind is on other things-- I can't pinpoint what exactly. Everyone else continues to eat their meals, chatting about normal families, kids, goals they want to accomplish. It got me thinking...which is probably going to put me in even worse mood than I already am. 

(Porter)- "What about you, Pretty boy? Got someone back home?" He nudged his shoulder.

(Tanner)- "Nah-- I don't." 

(Porter)- "What about you (Y/n)? Family? Kids?" 

(Y/n)- "If you count my two pets as kids." I say with a forced smile and light chuckle. I miss Cyrano and Major very much. 

(Porter)- "That counts. So no lucky guy scooped you up yet, huh?" I roll my eyes and ignore his question. 

(Tanner)- "Don't try anything with this one." He playfully warns. 

(Porter)- "Why?" 

(Tanner)- "She's practically tied down." 

(Porter)-" Is that so?" I couldn't help but lightly laugh. 

I wonder what he's doing at this very moment? Probably in the middle of action-- reloading his weapon. I can picture him now...His blue eyes, chiseled jaw, hair perfectly in place...I want to see him-- I want to know if he's okay. I rest my elbow on the table placing my chin in my hand deep in thought.  Everyone at the table is having their own conversations-- trying to include me in them but I was in my own little world. They have smiles on their faces, their mood has changed--which is good. I on the other hand went from plain to worried. 


I'm getting this strange feeling. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's nothing. I look to everyone at the table trying to pretend I'm into their conversation. I should be engaged in this-- help get my mind off things but I can't shake this feeling. Is it my shoulder? Is it trying to heal? 

Something from the corner of my eye-- spots a figure, it's not another soldier passing by. No. This something is different. My ears tune out the noise around me-- only able to hear the approaching footsteps. Tanner's mouth was moving but no sound was coming out. I Have to know what this something is. Turning my head towards the front of the cafeteria entrance-- my eyes widen. Porter's fingers snapping in front of my face to get my attention wasn't working. I slowly get out from the bench table-- my feet spontaneously burst into a full on sprint in a straight direction. People were quick enough to move out the way-- they weren't going to stop me. 

I'm almost there. 

I feel all sorts of emotions-- mostly butterflies in my stomach. My lips are probably in a wide smile right now-- I can't even tell. It doesn't matter at this very moment, I'm just a few steps away. Without even a second to realize my actions-- I leaped into the arms of a man.

Leon Scott Kennedy. 

He catches me--embracing me. My legs wrap around him to secure me in place. I nuzzle my face into the crook of his neck-- feeling nothing but his skin, the scent of his cologne, the heat radiating from his body. His body vibrates, he's chuckling. I lean back but a bit while he still carries me. 

(Y/n)- "Miss me?" His eyes circle slowly around my facial region, its like he's taking it all in. He lets out a deep sigh with a little grin on his face. 

(Leon)- "I could say I have." A smile spread across my face, I still can't feel anything-- he's here. Leon is here. I don't care that people are walking passed us-- seeing the way we are. 

(Leon)- "Where's Chris?" My eyebrows furrow slightly. His voice was deep and his tone changed into all serious now. 

(Leon)- "I need to speak with him." 

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now