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I slid into cover taking shelter behind a car flipped to its side

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I slid into cover taking shelter behind a car flipped to its side. My blood is pumping through my veins, my hands feeling numb with adrenaline-- I think they're following me for sure. Why haven't they tried to attack me yet?! Not like I want them too-- it's just odd behavior they haven't.  I am at least grateful that I got them away from Tanner....he's safe. I peek at the side of the car seeing the station is just about fifty steps away...Easy...I can make it right? I take in a breath in and out and make a run for the station,  I weave, slide, everything that's in my path-- jump over decaying bodies is the part I can't unsee.

Almost there! 

I leaped inside the glass door sliding on broken glass skidding to a stop, I exhale deeply-- I was holding my breath at that part. I don't think they're following me right now-- they are keeping a distance, I don't know why but lets keep it that way. I grip my weapon in my hands, This is the part that terrifies me the most....I keep having nightmares of this place. Why? That's all I wanna know. 

As I walk through my old occupation building, the memories came flooding back. I bite my tongue again to fight it--all these people I knew here....gone. I flipped my flashlight on from the tip of my weapon, first thing I see on the walls were maroon stained blood. I don't like this...

There's blood but where are the bodies? 

Taking small quiet steps as I cautiously walk through halls-- pass by empty offices and empty meeting rooms. A god awful smell was coming from the changing rooms-- if I had to take a guess-- actually.. no I will not...whatever that smell is-- I'll let it be whatever it is. Getting closer to the locker rooms-- the women's door was cracked open,  in between the crack preventing the door from fully closing was a body. My foot stops, I don't know why but my inner voice is telling me to go towards it. My foot redirects my path and heading towards the horrid smell. 

The light aims at the door and I lower it down to the body, her pant legs were cut up and torn-- like something was just trying to drag her out. My shoulder presses against the door and opening it-- hearing a crunch sound. My body freezes at what my flashlight is showing me-- the rest of her body was missing. I cease to move-- shutting my eyes trying to forget what I've seen. 

I can't tell if I know this person-- even if I do it wouldn't matter....they're dead. I retrace my steps walking away from the locker room, Just get where I need to point to wander around in here.  You're okay, everything is fine....The box is in his desk. Get that and get the hell out of here. 


This is it, the main precinct. There's all the desks of friends I've made here, specially the ones I was closest with. 



There's my desk. I stepped towards it seeing a Styrofoam cup with leftover coffee in it, I picked it up seeing how very expired it is. I place it back down and look at the the pile of paperwork, couldn't help but chuckle in my throat. I can almost hear Tanner calling for me to come into his office. I look up to Kamil's Desk, finally, let's see what he's got hiding in that box. I head over to it with no hesitation, I attempted to open the drawer but it wouldn't open. Of course it's gotta be locked...what did he put in there? Does he seem like the type to keep a spare set of keys around somewhere in his desk? Probably not.  

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now