CHAPTER FIVE: Yellow Pages

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(Time Skip) 

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(Time Skip) 

My hair was getting soaked, I need to lay low until this damn rain lightens up-- but where!? I stop to check my surroundings, Hmm-- cellular stores, five dollar haircuts. A building caught my attention, Raccoon Public Library. I'll take shelter there. My socks squish inside my shoes, I really hate this feeling. The double doors separate when my feet step on the grip mat. The cold air freezes my face when I entered inside, even when it's raining-- the A.C. is still on. My face also cringes at the smell circulating in my nostrils, it's a mixture of old books and body odor. Ew-- not a good combination. 

Once I got passed the smell, I glance around the layout of the library. It was very...brown and boring-- not a single pop of color. To my left was the circulation desk, people were lining up to check out their items. Ahead of me was the information desk-- people were gathering up there too. Computer stations to the right of me, looking behind the info desk were rows of bookcases. The building looked small from the outside but inside was a different story. 

(Y/n)- "Wow..." I mumble quietly to myself. Where do I begin? 

I walk through the aisle of books, up and down. So many sections of fiction and non fiction books. I stopped in a fiction section, my finger picks a book at random. It had a red heart at the bathroom end of the binding. Does this mean this is a romance book? I look at the cover, judging by the looks of it-- it's definitely a romance book. The way the man and the woman are looking at each other-- that, 'I am only into you' kind of look. Ugh-- kill me. That look doesn't exist in the real world. 

My mind got me thinking about what Mom and Michael said this morning, why are they so interested in my love life? I'm in no hurry to meet someone. I know he's out there somewhere, could be at the coffee shop, somewhere in my apartment, maybe even bumping into them-- Seems to work in movies. I leave the fiction section-- my hip bumping into a purple cart full of books--because of me, the cart spills the books all over the floor. 

(Y/n)- "Oh my god-- I'm so sorry!" I try to whisper. The person in charge of the cart was a man. Average height, dark medium length hair and brown eyes. 

(Man)- "It's on me, no worries" He lowers to the ground to place the books back on the cart. I feel bad that I caused this but I lower to the floor to help him. 

(Man)- "Thanks." 

(Y/n)- "I wasn't looking where I was going"

(Man)- "It's not a problem. What book do you have there?" He jerks his head to the side at the book I pulled earlier. 

(Y/n)- "Oh-- some romance book." I say shyly.

(Man)- "So you like to read romance?" 

(Y/n)- "No--er-- I just--" 

(Man)- " I'm sorry, it's none of my business" he apologizes for asking. 

(Y/n)- "No it's okay. I'm not sure what I like to read. Any recommendations?" 

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