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As soon as the doors separate-- sliding opening... a slight gust of wind blew me in the face. My eyes widen at the sight I'm seeing...whoa...This facility, the lab-- it's massive..who knew this was down here. We slowly walk forward eyeing the platform to the East and West sides. There's more to this place-- damn. Leon spots a dead corpse near the looks to be a soldier, special forces? I don't recognize this kind of uniform. Leon crouches down to the body to inspect it.

(Leon)- "G-Virus is in the West Area...Got it"

(Y/n)- " How are we gonna get there-- there's no way to get across." He stands up and walks passed me to the mounted screen on the other side. He presses a button and activates a metal path to the center of the open space.

(Leon)- " Careful"

I reached out and gently grabbed a strap from his vest for him to guide me. Don't look down, don't look down! My eyes kept a firm stare to the back of Leon's head. At the moment-- it's keeping me calm...

We make me it across and head over to the West wing. Again he presses a button to activate another bridge to get across. The doors separate and we walk inside. A loud irritating hissing sound-- startles me, an exposed air vent pipe has collapsed from the ceiling.

(Y/n)- "Should we be a little....cautious?"

(Leon)- " We'll be fine...I'm sure."

Another door slides open letting us continue in further, this lab looks like it's been untouched-- it's sort of too clean. Everything was left where it was-- people just seemed to vanish from their places. Leon begins to do some searching, finding some first aid sprays and ammunition. I wander close by-- seeing another door hiding away from the light.

(Y/n)- "Hey." I say to catch Leon's attention. The door slides open-- my eyes take in the sight of gardening gone wrong.

(Leon)- "Whoa.. Jesus... what happened here" We step closer, as we got a better look-- a body was pressed up against the glass. 

(Y/n)-" This...this.. is bad." I look around the room-- seeing a podium with the red and white emblem of the corporation logo on it. I walk up to it-- seeing a thick laptop screen with a red banner across saying, "Access Denied"

(Y/n)- " We're gonna need some kind of security level pass to access this thing. Could have useful information on it."

(Leon)- " Hey-- look at that, a bracelet. We'll most likely be needing that." He spots a flashing light in the hand of the dead man in the hazmat suit.

(Y/n)- " Please tell me you're not going in there to get that bracelet?"

(Leon)- " No..." He walks behind me having his hand hovering at my mid back guiding me to the door to our right.

(Leon)- " We're-- going in there to get the bracelet." The door slides -- stopping halfway through. Vines ripped apart when the door finally opened. The sight shocked the both of us-- vines and plant life coating the entire section.

(Y/n)- " What the....hell."

(Leon)- " gonna get tricky. Come on. " He passes through on first lighting the way with the flashlight. I was absolutely stunned at the sight of this... what happened to make this kind of spreading? Leon waves the light to the ceiling-- viewing what seems to be legs hanging down. My heart begins racing... The body...looked...

(Leon)-" You don't need to see that." he moves the light elsewhere. I wish I didn't see anything this entire night...

An eerie sound-- the sound of tongue click spike my heart rate even more. A body stood up covered in vines-- Jesus Christ! What is that?!

(Leon)- " What the--!!" He grabs the flame thrower and ignites the body, It falls on its back squirming. My legs wanted to take flight and run-- but I forced them to stay next to Leon.

(Y/n)- " What the hell was that?"

(Leon)- " I don't know." We continue-- walking carefully around the smoking body. We reached what looks like another lab viewing a glass window-- seeing more plants surrounding the view.

Another podium stands-- a green light glows-- as soon as I walked in front of it something beeped.

(Y/n)- "Ah-- shit! what did I do?!"

(Computer)- " Dispensing solution now. " The room with all the plant life was getting sprayed with a solution of some kind-- not sure of what. Damn it. We observe the plants-- but nothing happened. The podium beeps again dispensing a tube.

(Leon)- "I don't think you did anything." He says as he picks up the dispersal cartridge to his see it closely. He puts it in his pockets and walks to the wall on our right-- displays a map of the lab and some kind of codes.

(Leon)- " Oh, I get it..." he whispers to himself. How does he understand all this? I don't know what I'm looking at. He presses on some buttons and on the map a symbol has changed. He unlocked a passageway.

(Y/n)- "What happened?"

(Leon)- "We gotta go there." He points to the unlocked symbol on the map. He heads to the door leading to the plant viewing. I quickly follow to catch up with him. As soon as I passed the door...this is even more shocking than that small hallway we passed before. Each step we take on the metal pathway makes a clank, clank sound-- it even echos.

(Y/n)- " sorta..beautiful." I admit, it sorta is. How can something so beautiful be down here? What are these plants even for? I look at the floor-- it was casting a shadow of...what is that? Legs? I look up to see something fall from the ceiling and splats on the metal pathway. It makes the same tongue click sounds like the last one! It stands on its feet-- but leaning side to side as if it were in a drunken state. It had these vines wiggling around its bodies-- disturbing as that looks it could grab us with those. Leon aims the flame thrower at it. Another tongue click sounds behind me-- shit! another one?!

(Leon)- "This is not good-- Take the shotgun!" I take the shotgun behind Leon's back and aim the one that's behind me. Our backs were pressed up against each other.They were inching closer-- the clicks getting more intense.

(Leon)- "Now!"

I pulled the trigger-- feeling it vibrate my entire body. The body bends backward abnormally. Leon lights up the body feeling get warmer behind me. I couldn't feel my hands-- I accidentally pulled the trigger again hitting the it causing it to fall on its back. Leon assisted and ignites the body.

(Y/n)- "Jesus Christ." I say under my breath.

(Leon)- " Still think it's beautiful?"

(Y/n)- " N-no-- not anymore" I say trying to relax and calm my racing heart.

(Leon)-" Did the numbness go away?" He eyes my hands that were slightly trembling from the shotguns after effects.

(Y/n)- "I'm fine-- it'll come back." He expresses a cute smile to me. Why is he smiling for?

(Leon)- " Lets get going before more of those start sprouting."

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now