CHAPTER EIGHT: The First Encounter

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Before you get any further-- from here on out will have MAJOR spoilers from Resident Evil 2 remake.

I have warned you

Enjoy :)


I inhale the inside jacket, the rain hasn't washed away Michaels scent

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I inhale the inside jacket, the rain hasn't washed away Michaels scent. I hug my knees close to my chest, my back pressed up against the main desk. My eyes center at the blood stains on my jeans. Michaels blood.

No on else is here-- I've been alone for god knows how long. I left my phone either at the Diner or in Michael's car, shit-- Mom's probably freaking out right now. Oh god-- I could use mom's comfort right now. I look up at the open space of the police station, supplies, beds--spread out but it looks like it's abandoned. My footsteps were echoing throughout the entire hall. Where the hell is everyone?

(Y/n)- "Hello?.." My voice echoed, no one called out. What the hell am I doing-- I'm making my presence known-- there could me more of those zombies in here. Did I just say zombies? I'd slap myself If my hands weren't trembling so viciously.

Slowly exploring the main entrance of the police station-- it's so amazing, how can a police station look this beautiful? The massive statue near the back was the main focus, it stood out more than anything in here. As I continue to explore, I look down at the floor. There was bloody footprints leading towards the front. Why is there blood in here? I thought This place was safe? What happened in here? My heart was racing-- feeling like I could pass out any second. As I turn to my left, there was a gate-- a sign tapped to it,'Keep out', but it didn't close all the way. I can't wait around for someone to show, I need to find someone and get the hell out of here. It's what Michael would'v done.

I clench my fists, I need to be strong-- I can't be afraid even though I am. I lowered down to my stomach and took a quick peek under to see the other side. It was very dark-- I don't have a flashlight---not even my phone to create some kind of light. Damn it. I can't see anything-- my eyes can't even adjust in the dark.

(Y/n)- "Hello?.." my voice echoes again, no one answers. I'm relieved no one answers back but also frightened that no one answered back, am I truly on my own in here? I don't want to wait anymore, I have to do something. I crawl though, feeling a wet, cold substance on my hands. I can't see what it is-- what the hell am I crawling through? Once I crawled under the metal gate, the lights on the other side flickered-- my heart beating quicker than before. The light shuts off-- causing the gate to close lower than before. Fuck, fuck, fuck! I reached for the bottom-- tugging the gate upward to make room for me to go back but it wouldn't budge! I'm trapped! The lights must've shut off and powered back on after, what the fuck-- why did I do this!? I hug myself for comfort, I can't see anything here-- I'm so fucking stupid! I should've stayed in the main entrance, at least I could see in there!

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