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Leon's POV

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Leon's POV


I thought Claire took care of her... If Ada is here... then...


I hope she's okay.

I look to (Y/n) in Ada's arms and she's still lifeless.

(Kamil)- "Don't forget I'm still here!"

I haven't forgotten.

I twist my wrists inward forcing him to let go of his grip on my wrists, I back flip away from him and thrust into a kip up. I immediately focus my attention to Ada, I don't know what she's planning...but I don't like the look Ada is giving me. It's always something terrible.

Ada lays (Y/n) down on the roof of the news van and digs something out of her pockets of her tight black leather pants. It's hard to see from where I'm standing-- what does she have in her hand? It looks like some kind of---wait...

(Leon)-" Ada, don't!" She does it anyway.

She's stealing her blood.

My brows furrow and I grit my teeth feeling anger rising again.

She collects a sample of her blood for safe keeping, she jumps down from the van and struts her way to Kamil.

(Ada)- "How about we make this a fair fight?" she stops her footing and leans into her left hip standing beside Kamil. He looks her up and down-- confused if he should take her offer or kill her where she stands. 

(Kamil)-" Who the fuck are you?"

(Ada)-"Someone who is offering you some friendly information."

(Kamil)-" I'm listening" 

(Ada)- "Leon's going to attack only if you do, he won't charge first. He'll observe your technique and counter with a move that will give him the best advantage. He's dominate with his right side, attacking the left has been proven to be slower." she looks me in the eye as she informs him, she's observant-- I'll give her that. 

(kamil)-"How do I know I wont end up with a bullet in my back?" 

(Ada)-"You don't. That's part of the risk." Kamil straightens out his back cracking his fingers.

(Ada)-" I'll also give you this" she reveals the vial containing (Y/n)'s blood. 

(Kamil)- "I can just take her body." 

(Ada)- "Not if they run and take her with them." 

(Kamil)-"They are not getting out of here alive." 

(Ada)-" Then it's settled."


This isn't going to go well for Tanner and I. 

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now