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Present Day

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Present Day

Leon's POV

In my hands I unclip the magazine seeing it was fully loaded, I clipped it back in securing in its place. Safety switch on. I slip it back into my thigh holster as I normally do when I am deep in thought. The more I think about my past the more I think about her.. if she were there... would she really be the one to fall? 


I shouldn't be thinking about it. I should be glad she wasn't in Raccoon City. It's pointless even daydreaming about it. There are other things to think about, more importantly...

Chris got me.

Son of a bitch got under my skin.

I know deep down he's very much right, as much as I didn't want her being part our lifestyle-- I have gotten attached. I was denying it in the pushing her away. I could honestly say I've tried, but I suppose it was just only delaying the inevitable.It would've worked but she followed me like a lost puppy.

It makes me smile every once in a while, seeing her follow my in my footsteps. Eventually those footsteps she followed led to her joining the BSAA-- that's not what I intended. Chris knew what I was going to say, but he did it anyway. I was fired up, ready to take down Redfield-- I still have half a mind to do so. My fists finally loosen up and let blood circulate to my fingers. He's still right.


I took her for granted. Chris saw potential in her-- I overlooked it. I subconsciously keep her distant, but all that does is hurt the both of us. The expression on her face each time something suddenly happens-- It she's unhappy.

I do that to her.

I don't mean to make her feel that way. She has to understand that.

A small grin slowly forms on my face. Is this how being involved with someone is like? it's been a while. From the very beginning-- I told myself I wouldn't get close to someone, romantically. Not until everything's finished, that is if old age catches up to me or If I were to get killed during a mission. Can't stop them both. Probably shouldn't jinx it. 

Never thought I'd be in this kind of situation.A grin slowly started to creep in the corner of my lips, Yeah, I think it's about time.

Looks like I better get a move on.


I stare up into the sunset sky, seeing all the different forms of clouds...there's nothing really much to see. I've been stuck in my head since Leon and Chris's quarrel. Haven't seen them act out that way since the Arias Mission.

(Tanner)- "There you are. I've been looking for you" His voice was approaching. I sit up and lazily give him a hand wave. He climbs up to the crates and takes a seat next to me.

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