CHAPTER THIRTY: High Voltage When We Kiss

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Walking through rotting, toxic garbage-- the smell made me feel nauseous. I'm trying not to let it bother me. Actually.....there's a lot of things bothering me. The stench is the least of my concerns. Honestly-- I'm frightened by what I'm seeing down here...It's only going to get much, much worse.

(Ada)- "The Cable Car'll take us down to NEST. This wristband's our ticket to ride"

(Leon)- "Nice. Where'd you get that?" 

(Ada)- "Borrowed it." 

My right foot stepped on something flimsy, crushed it instantly-- causing my ankle to bend slightly. I kept my yelps of pain to myself-- bitting the inside of my cheek to endure the pain in my ankle. Leon and Ada have more important things to worry about than me. The pain will pass in a few seconds. 

(Leon)- " Did you say something?" He looks over his shoulder towards me. How was he able to hear me? 

(Y/n)- "N-no nothing.."  His eyes look from top to bottom-- lingering towards the bottom. He knows something wrong with me. 

(Leon)- " Your ankle gave out on you?" I bit my lip, with a slight nod.

(Y/n)- "I'm okay." but honestly I'm not, I feel like I'm gonna have a panic attack. It was inevitable-- It was bound to come sooner or later. 

(Leon)- "Not much further to the cable car-- you can rest a moment there" I nodded and he continues to walk ahead of me to catch up to Ada who was waiting on us. I held my hands together to keep them from shaking. I'm getting a really bad feeling that if we continue further.... we're gonna lose someone. 

Ada approaches the cable car and waves her wristband, a beeping sound activates and opens the doors. 

(Ada)- " This may be a one-way ride" She comments. I take a seat at an open bench-- trying to catch my toughts-- I still feel it, a panic attack is coming. My breathing is out of sync. Leon goes to the front of the cable car to get this thing moving.

(Cable Car)- "This tram is bound for NEST. Do not exit until the final destination" 

(Leon)- "We're good to go." 

(Ada)- "What's wrong with you?" Ada asks me, she leans against the metal wall with her arms crossed. I didn't look up at her-- This feeling is getting worse. I place my head in between my knees-- trying to calm down, I don't think I can make it stop. 

(Leon)- "(Y/n)-- what's wrong?" 

(Y/n)- " I don't know-- I-I'm freaking o-out! I-I can't breathe!" my hands were trembling-- making it known to them something is wrong with me. 

(Ada)- "She's acting strange." Leon rushes to my side sitting next to me with concern. He places a gentle hand on my back-- my body reacted by shaking. He examines my behavior. 

(Leon)-" She's having a panic attack." 

(Ada)-" Make it stop. " She walks away heading to the front of the cable car, not wanting to deal with me. My body started feeling numb-- I don't feel like I have it under control anymore. 

(Leon)-" Hey,hey-- look at me." He spoke very kindly, but I refuse to even look at him in the eyes. My head shakes side to side --giving him that my answer is no.

(Y/n)-"I--can't...b-breathe.. feels like I'm c-choking!" I struggle to even speak, what the hell!

(Leon)-" Okay-- (Y/n), look at me...can you do that?" I hesitate... But I force myself to look. I look at his facial features, seeing every detail-- the form of his nose, eyes, jawline, lips. 

(Leon)-" Okay, good-- good! Now, tell me your full name." My head turned slightly-- why is he asking me that? 

(Y/n)-" No--I... Leon.. help!" My words were being scrabbled. 

(Leon)-" I'm trying to-- please answer the question" he places his right hand on my left cheek, making sure I look at him.-- nothing else. He's trying.

(Y/n)-" (F/n) (L/n)" I answered in a stutter. 

(Leon)- " How old are you?" He asked another question. 

(Y/n)-" T-twenty one" 

(Leon)-" What's your favorite color?"

(Ada)- " Were almost there-- calm her down already."

(Y/n)-" Leon--We can't go any further...something is waiting for us down there its only a matter of time before one of gets hurt-- we have to get out of here and-- "His eyes were all I see, his nice shade of blues. Next thing I knew.... I blink and his lips gently pressed against mine. The attack instantly felt like it was being sucked out of me. Everything was coming to a calm finish. His lips were soft. He pulls back slowly... His eyes glancing.

(Y/n)-"....(F/c)" I exhaled slowly-- feeling like he stole my breath away, whatever's left of it anyway.

(Leon)-" You gonna be okay?" He spoke in a whisper. I nodded my head-- only thing I can do at this very second. 

(Leon)- "There's nothing to worry about-- trust me. We're gonna be okay." He makes it really easy to believe him. 

(Y/n)-" But--"

(Leon)-" I promise-- I will protect you." Before I can say anything, Ada calls for him. 

(Ada)- " Leon. I need to discuss something with you before we get there." 

(Leon)- " You're gonna be fine-- We're gonna be fine. I'll be right back." 

He gets up and walks over to Ada to speak privately. I dart my eyes to the back of his head, my cheeks are steaming hot. He kissed me-- did he do that to calm me down from the panic attack? That must be why he did it. I don't know how to process this...

(Cable Car)- " Now arriving at NEST" 

(Ada)- "Here. You two are gonna need this" She removes the wristband from her wrist and hands it to Leon. 

(Ada)- "I'm counting on the two of you." Leon walks towards me and gently grabs me by the arm to lift me to stand--guiding us towards the exit. Whatever he and Ada were talking about...left Leon in a unpleasant mood. 

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now