CHAPTER SIXTY: Coming Undone (Part Two)

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His footsteps are approaching-- stomping on the pavement with me in his path. My body isn't ready to be thrown like that again, I gotta defend myself the only way I can. I twist my body attempting a roundhouse kick but he blocks it using his hands and immediately starts throwing left and right hooks. I dodge the first one but the second one came so fast the hit made contact with my cheek, he put a lot of force behind that hit that I instantly felt a tooth get knocked out of its place. I stumble taking a few steps back wiping the corner of my mouth with the back of my hand seeing a red smear, I spit out up the blood and saliva building inside my mouth along with the tooth. My tongue inspects the far left side of my mouth feeling an empty, sensitive spot where my tooth use to be.

(Kamil)- "Is that all you got?!" he dashes my way throwing in kicks and jabs, I'm blocking as much as I can--- but he's too fast! Different areas of my body feel pain here, pain there-- to my legs, ribs and even in my right eye. He grabs onto my vest pulling me close in to his face-- feeling his hot breath, glancing at his revenge driven face. He looks down at the vest examining the details. 

(Kamil)- "BSAA? " I give him no answer, the proof is right there on my gear. 

(Kamil)- "Hmm." He grips my bicep hard shifting my shoulder, I yell in pain feeling in the dislocated shoulder pop back into place. He shoves me away from him falling back on my rear. Why did he do that for me? 

(Y/n)- "Why? Why--" he charges towards me with his combat skills but now that my arm is back in place-- still hurting but enough to fully move around and defend myself. My BSAA training kicks in, he grabs my wrist twisting it, tangling myself putting me in a hold and he stands behind me with him breathing heavily in my left ear. 

(Kamil)- "You don't look the BSAA type, Maybe I don't know you anymore."

(Y/n)- "How did you survive-- what did you do?!" He he presses his forehead to the back of my head while still using my own arms to keep me restrained. I drop to my knees making him release the hold and roll onto my shoulder away from him. 

(Kamil)- "Take a good fucking look, (Y/n)." I narrow my eyes focusing on him, he's alive for one thing, his strength is abnormal, Leon said that his virus turned on him.....did he? Did he use...?

(Y/n)-"You experimented on yourself? How did the mutations not kill you?"

(Kamil)- "I kept many of my failed experiments, different strains of the virus-- wouldn't believe the amount of flesh my body healed and torn itself apart. I kept my sanity through it-- I am the final product. I completed what my brother and I intended to do!" Like we heard this before...

(Y/n)- "What was the point of me, huh?"

(Kamil)- " You living was enough. Hearing the gossip of my virus that these corporations want it, brought a smile to my face."

(Y/n)-" What-- so you let me live to get the word out-- put a price tag on me and make so much fucking money?" I need to calm down and lower my town, getting angry is just going to get me in more trouble.

(Kamil)-" I don't care about the fucking money! No, It's about pride, honor-- hell, it's fucking rewarding knowing how many people want my virus."

(Y/n)-"What happens when it gets sold to the wrong people, cause a global catastrophe?"

(Kamil)-"Not my problem." 

(Y/n)-" You're pathetic." the words blurted out my mouth, I meant to keep it inside my mind but I truly mean those words. He smiles a  wide grin and slowly walking towards me, my foot took a step back trying to keep a distance between us. 

(Kamil)-" I'm really glad you're here, Saves me the trouble finding you. You're're absolutely right....If the wrong people get a hold of you and use my virus wrongfully.. my name will be discredited--I don't want that."  He's still walking towards me but he picks up the pace, his grin now turned sour. 

(Y/n)-"So What're you going to do?"

(Kamil)- "I'm gonna take back what is mine." he charges towards me again. I get into combat position, He's fast! Very fast--! He goes for a right hook first, I block using my right forearm uppercut with a left hook. No good-- he dodges my attack. I need to get a clear shot on him somehow-- I gotta find a weak spot! I twist into a high kick, his forearm raises up in time to protect his body. He goes in for more punches, I dodge and block as quick as I can. My heart is racing quickly, I need to be able to keep up with his speed-- If I fall behind he can swiftly put me in a hold or worse... put me in a hold and snap my neck. 

He left himself wide open, my right fist extends out going for a punch-- his foot takes a step to the right with his right hand grabbing my at my wrist and using his left arm going for an uppercut. I bring my left palm just right under my chin to block his hit, I grab at his wrist to try to get him to twist his body to get him into a hold of my own. He shoves my arm away and ducks under my arm one hand on left shoulder and the other to the back of my right thigh--lifting me up and slamming me to the ground with much power. My back feels the pain hitting the pavement-- shit! 

(Kamil)- "Get up." I roll to my side, my body is still exhausted from the earlier fight with the BOW.

(Kamil)- "I said, get up!" his foot kicks me right in the mouth and nose, feeling blood pouring out both nostrils. I don't want to get kicked again-- I gotta get up! Come (Y/n), get up! you're better than this! I got on all fours slowly making my way back up to stand. 

I stand tall on my feet, wiping the blood away with the back of my hand. I get into combat position again and sniffed in some blood as he was leaking out. Kamil scoffs and charges again, he throws the first punch and I block using my forearm, I'm slowing down-- this isn't good. He goes in for another hit I block but he immediately goes in with another hitting my right in the eye and another to the left side of my face. His right hand grabs the back of my neck and his other arm grabs my right and pushes my head downward, my eyes look at the ground seeing his foot kick my right ankle off the ground and falling onto the ground. Kamil stands over me and crouches down grabbing a fist of my hair in his palm raising it up towards him-- I groan  raising up my upper body to reduce the pain. 

(Kamil)- "Look who's pathetic now." He says in a gravel like voice. He releases my hair roughly feeling some knots get hooked in between his fingers as he lets go. He takes a few steps away massaging his shoulder and wrists. 

(Kamil)- "I wanted this to be a fair fight... The old verses the new...." he walks back towards me standing right above my head. He kick my shoulder to turn my body with my back on the ground and my face towards him and the sky. 

(Kamil)- "You just lost." his right hand lowering down---- Bang! 

My eyes shut at the loud bang sound feeling droplets land on my cheek, I open my eyes slowly seeing Kamil standing frozen at the sight of his hand. A bullet penetrated through from the back to the front.. bleeding out. His fingers curl with such intensity he lets out a small grunt of pain as he heels almost instantly-- quicker than mine. 

(Kamil)- "I was wondering when you were gonna show up!" kamil grabs onto my vest yanking me up on my feet. He grabs on my left wrist pulling my arm behind my back and his other hand at my throat. 

(Kamil)- " Leon! 

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