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Present Day

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Present Day

My fingers grip the steering wheel tight, the palms of my hands are beginning to feel a pinch. I took a deep breath in and exhaled out after, I force my hands to loosen and relax. My eyes look at the falling rain landing onto the windshield as I drove into slow traffic. The roads were busy tonight... I wonder why. There's no special holiday, no car accidents-- probably due to the heavy rain. Cars near me honk their horns to get the line moving-- News Flash! Honking your horn is just gonna make people go slower. I reach up to the rear view mirror and adjust the angle. I caught a glimpse of myself looking like a ghost. I look paler than usual, the bags under my eyes look like they're getting bags. This isn't a good look for me. 

 I'm nervous-- why the hell am I nervous? I shouldn't be.

I'm having dinner with Chris and Jill. Chris finished with another assignment and Jill had extra time on her hands so it worked out perfectly.I was surprised when Chris called and said he'll be in town, He didn't have to come all this way-- he could've used this time to rest at home.

 We planned to meet up at a place-- "Nothing fancy", Jill said. "Something with a bar" , Chris requested. I shake my head side to side with a chuckle. I think I found a place that meets their wants. 

Traffic begins to move and I get right to it-- don't want people honking their horns at me. The lanes stop moving again. Barely put my foot on the gas. I rested my left arm on the window edge and sigh. In my peripheral vision I see a set of eyes looking out me, I turn my head to look and it was two guys in the car beside me. I made eye contact with the one in the passenger seat, short blonde hair, square jaw, he gives me a flirty wink and a grin. He nudges the driver and he leans over to get a sight of me, his long black hair tied in a low man bun his beard gave him an edge. He smiles and jerks his head as a silent greeting. Classic douche bag kind of move. 

Are they checking me out? Since when am I worth looking at? Did the virus give me some kind of pheromone to attract the male species? what is different about me? 

I look back at the two men and they give me a smile and a head nod at the same time. I awkwardly look at my windshield to avoid looking at them anymore. I just want to get out of this awkward situation. 

All I can think about is Leon S. Kennedy. 

(Time Skip) 

I walk into the bar, shaking the rain from light coat. The music playing in the background was classic rock, some fill good tunes. I start to look around for Chris and Jill but I see neither of them-- I must be the first one here...I guess this is good-- I'll just hang by the bar and wait. As I walk up to the counter my phone vibrated in my pants pocket. My pulse races thinking it might be Leon. I pulled out my phone to check-- Nope. Not him. My heart sank in my stomach. It was just a reminder from Tanner-- asking if I'm gonna go with him to check out the police station. I'll just leave the text unread-- I'll answer him later. I must have a pout on my face-- I hate that I'm getting my hopes up. I slump down on the bar stool and sigh deeply. 

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now