CHAPTER FIFTY NINE: Coming Undone (Part One)

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Its coming.


Almost here.


It stops.

(Voice)- " Well done, (Y/n)."

My eyes widen, my body instantly felt cold. I haven't even turned around yet to fully understand, I don't want to look--- but how am I hearing the voice?! Did I get knocked unconscious and this is a nightmare? I don't know what to believe. I inhale air to somewhat calm my anxiety, my body turns one eighty degrees seeing who's behind that voice but I know exactly who that is.

He stands tall with proper posture, black combat boots, black ripped up slip jeans, a fitted black shirt with some wear and tears in them, His hair is disheveled and his eyes protrude a haunting shade of green.

(Y/n)- "Kamil" feeling my body shiver at the sound of his name exit out my mouth, He flashes a sinister grin.

(Kamil)- "Really, I'm impressed. That BOW had me at the first half not gonna lie." he says as he slow claps a couple more times.

(Y/n)-"How are you alive?"

(Kamil)- "No, 'Hey, old partner-- good to see ya?' No, 'Did you do something new with your hair? How about, ' Did you miss me? Cause I sure missed you' " goosebumps travel up my arm and down to my spine at the looks of him saying that with a smile.

(Kamil)- " Look at you, I cant tell whether you're in pain from the BOW or just by the sight of me."

(Y/n)- "How?"

(Kamil)- "Hmm, don't we have a lot of catching up to do, eh Partner?" He jerks his head to the side signaling to follow him. I hesitate moving but I force my foot to and leads us to an open area of the parking lot with nothing in between us.

(Y/n)- "I'm not your partner, not anymore....Never was" I say as I stood my ground.

(Kamil)- "Is that right? I do recall you being, (F/n) (M/n) (L/n), who loves the color (F/c) and has two adorable pets, Major and Cyrano."

(Y/n)- "You don't know me anymore, Kamil." I repeated.

(Kamil)- "Hmm." I remain silent, not knowing what he can do at the moment.

(Kamil)- "How's your mentality? Your body adjusting to my virus?" I clench on my arm feeling pain in my shoulders--hell.. everywhere.

(Kamil)-"You don't seem to be doing so well, you would've healed by now--surprised you haven't turned into one of them." I keep my mouth shut, keeping all my insults to myself-- if I badmouth him I don't know what he'd do to me. It doesn't look like he's got a handgun on him but I can't tell from here.

(Kamil)- "What's the matter? Too shocked to even speak to me?"

(Y/n)- "You should be dead, how did you survive?" he continues to smile, he spreads his arms out slowly turning in a three sixty turn.

(Kamil)- " I look great for being dead, don't I?" He chuckles lowering his arms down.

(Kamil)- "You're right, I should be I am...practically brand new."

(Y/n)-"What did you do?" I say grinding my teeth to keep from getting irritated from repeating myself.

(Kamil)- "(Y/n). You didn't answer my's my virus? Any trouble with Mercs lately? Big buyers trying to kill you? There's a lot of bad people who wanna find you and get their hands on the virus. Myself included, did you see the name pop up? I wanted to give you a little scare."

(Y/n)- "You--"

(Kamil)- "Shouldn't you be angry with me? Wanna kill me, eh? I ruined this town-- I killed the people you cared about!" He's provoking me, trying to get a reaction. My fists clench to keep myself from breaking into a sprint after him.

(Kamil)-"I kidnapped Morgan, brought her down to my basement-- she put up a fight but once I strapped her and down shut her mouth....I had my way with her. I injected her with my experiments-- analyzing her mutations....she screamed, begging for me to stop." My jaw feeling a pinch at how I'm clamping it down hard to keep it shut, don't let him inside your head.

(Kamil)-" How does it feel to see your friends die, (Y/n)? How does it feel to have your life turn upside down!?" He yells startling me in place.

(Y/n)-"Let me ask you something?"

(Kamil)- "What?" he says almost annoyed.

(Y/n)- "Why? Why bring me involved when this was between you and Leon?"

(Kamil)- "Leon killed the most important person to me, only fair to do the same."

(Y/n)- "Your brother killed himself by injecting the virus--"

(Kamil)- "Shut your damn mouth!" My body jumps at the tone he yells.

(kamil)- "Leon killed my brother, I had to get him even by going after you. It wasn't that hard-- tracking you down was easy."

(Y/n)-" Was I nothing more but your target?"

(Kamil)- "Did you think we were friends?" My mouth stays shut, as Kamil bursts into laughter. He laugh slowly fades while wiping away a tear away.

(Kamil)- "We were friends, I'm not going to lie to you-- believe me or not. You were this interesting woman.... the more time I spent time with you I was actually feeling kind of sorry for when I infected you with the virus. Might've even thought of taking it back, but..... He... He came back." He takes a step forward waving a finger in the air.

(Kamil)-" Seeing his face reminded me why I was there in the first place. It's a shame he isn't with you, I'd love to see the look on his face when he sees you dead at my feet." He says deeply taking stomps towards me, I lift my assault rifle at him ignoring the pain I'm my shoulder and pulled the trigger. A few miss and some graze him, he isn't at all running or diving into cover--no-- he's walking towards me with a purpose. I fire again hitting him in the shoulder making him stop in his tracks, I fire again hitting his ribcage. His right hand presses on his bullet wound inspecting the blood smearing his hands, I lower my rifle pulling out my secondary pistol strapped to my thigh and with my good arm I aim and pulled the trigger twice into his torso. Kamil drops to the ground with a thud.

My breaths shaky-- I didn't know I held it in as I was firing. I slowly walk towards his body cautiously with the handgun aimed right at him. A pool of blood surrounds him seeing his body lie still and his eyes were closed. I don't wanna say it out loud, otherwise I'll jinx myself.

I stand near his body looking at the bullet wounds I've caused, three to the chest and one on the shoulder. His face twitched, his eyes opened up-- his body stood up using his legs in a odd way to lift the rest of his body up. His right hand grabs onto my throat and the left gripping onto my left wrist twisting my forearm causing massive pain to my shoulder.

(Kamil)-"Just kidding" He whispers to my right ear before launching me into the air landing on top a car roof completely deforming it. I cough heavily losing the air in my lungs, the gun in my hand is gone-- my rifle is gone too.

What the hell? I thought he was dead?!

I slowly turn and fall off the roof of the car landing on the ground opposite of my dislocated shoulder. Hearing his footsteps come around he grabs the back of my gear lifting it up from the vest.

(Kamil)-"Come on, let's see what you got,eh? " He punches me right in the abdomen and tossing me again landing on hard pavement.

(Y/n)-" What the fuck..." I say with a dry voice groaning trying to stand back on my feet. That wasnt normal--what kind of strength does he have?! He tossed me like it was nothing-- like a whisper in the wind.

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