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Tanner's eyes, they look like they can't take another heartbreak

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Tanner's eyes, they look like they can't take another heartbreak. They read as if I'm the only thing keeping him alive, fuck-- what was he feeling the moment my eyelids closed? Tanner quickly grabs my hand again pulling me back down, he places something in my hand. He nods his head once and jerks his head towards the two. I knew what he wanted me to do, I nod my head and place the item into my pocket. 

(Y/n)-"I promise you, everything will be okay. Keep your head down." My voice is low and deep, cracking every time I speak. It hurt to talk but forcing myself through it. I look over my shoulder seeing Leon in combat position panting heavily, Kamil had sweat dripping off of his face-- these two were refusing to lose. 

(Y/n)-"Kamil!" I say his name out loud for him to hear, feeling the knife slicing the back of my throat. It caught his and Leon's attention. I start to walk towards him my hips swing side to side feeling the inside of shoes squeeze water out leaving wet foot prints behind. For once my heart wasn't racing, palms weren't shaking, breathing perfectly normal.  I stopped standing beside Leon... his eyes stare deep-- he's probably questioning if I'm really here or not...his imagination playing tricks. His hand hesitated to reach for my hand but he stopped himself and moved his hand back to his side. It's something he's going to have to find out later. 

(Y/n)-" Let's finish this. No BOWs, no back up.....You and I." I turn my head to face Leon seeing him uncomfortable with the idea. Kamil tilts his head to the side wiping away the sweat across his forehead. 

(Leon)-"Are you sure about this?" He whispered. 


It was the truth. 

I don't know if this plan I have in mind is going to work or not, might even get myself caught in it. Just thinking a tiny bit if that were to happen... that made my heart beat slightly faster. 

(Kamil)-" Fine by me." He looks behind him ordering the BOWs to join back with the herd, they shriek to one another and leap away. the Horde wasn't too far away-- they guard them like pets. 

Leon steps head of me but walking around me very closely, his eyes stared intensely at me as he walks.

(Leon)-" Try to keep up with him, he's quick but he's still human. He'll start to slow down once exhaustion hits. Whatever you gotta do it quickly." He whispered only for me to hear. He was out of eye view but felt his slight of hand slip something behind me, I can't make any movement towards it--it'll be a dead giveaway.  Leon's footsteps descend but I keep my attention to Kamil who is dead ahead of me standing tall as if he's going to be the one to live. 

(Kamil)-" Hmm." He slyly grins and tilts his neck as if to crack it. My foot begins moving walking in his direction, it's not a smart move and I know it. My foot stops kicking some pebbles under me, there are only five steps between us...for some reason this hand to hand is making me nervous. 

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now