CHAPTER FORTY NINE: Island In The Sun (Part One)

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I took a step back to view myself in the mirror

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I took a step back to view myself in the mirror. Black jeans, black ankle boots, a black loose but flattery blouse. Claire called earlier and said that I can help myself to anything in her closet, so to tie it all together, I picked out one of her maroon leather jackets. This is casual right? It's not too flashy, it's comfy. It would help if Leon told me where the date is taking place. I feel the butterflies in my stomach, and it's the bad kind-- like throw up at any time kind. I don't know why I'm feeling like this, I mean-- I'm a grown ass adult and I am getting nervous going on a first date with a man I have been waiting on for many years.

I took my phone out from my back pocket and checked the time, It's 6:02pm. I suppose I am ready. Is he? I step out the bedroom and make my way down the stairs carefully. Don't trip, don't trip, don't trip. While going down I see Leon leaning against the front door looking down at his clear device. His head lifts up by the sound of a squeaky wooden step. His eyes start at my shoes working his way up. Our eyes meet. He puts his device on a nearby table and takes a few steps towards me.

(Leon)-" You look beautiful." He towers over with his bangs hanging, I was able to see both his blue eyes clearly.

(Y/n)- "Thank you" I took a second to see his attire, a black Henley long sleeve with the two buttons undone revealing a bit of his collarbone. The outer layer is a black leather bomber jacket, His pants are fitted black jeans--Overall he looks amazing, we apparently went with an all black theme. Seeing him like this... it makes my chest tighten. He looks at the jacket taking notice of it. 

(Y/n)- "It's Claire's, she lend it to me." He nods his head lightly. 

(Leon)- "Let's do this." He extends his hand out for me to take. I place my hand in his palm and our fingers intertwine together. His hand is warm and soft, it settles the butterflies in my stomach.

(Time Skip)

Staring at the window watching every possible place that could be a date location. Bookstore, cafe, even a simple walk down a little shopping center. My heart's racing, probably going as fast as the car. I feel like I'm in high school again-- only this time the guy asked me out, not the other way around. I checked my phone in my lap, 6:52pm. Did he plan all of this? Or is this kind of a go with the flow kind of thing? I look to the corners of my eyes seeing him drive full focus on the road as his right hand moves the gear shift.

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