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(Voice)- "Wake up..." 

(voice)- "Leon--come on.

(Voice)- "Get up!" 

This voice, I don't remember it at the moment.  Whoever it is, they seem pretty concerned with me. I think I can move-- but not much, I don't think my body is awake enough just yet. My eyes start to flutter open seeing everything with a blurry filter. The voice speaking out to me came into view, long hair skinny frame....the longer I look my vision comes in clear. 

It's Claire. 

(Claire)- " What the hell happened?" She stuck her hand out to help me back on my feet but I got up on my own. Pain makes itself known hitting a nerve near my head my hand reaches the side of my head feeling kind of a tender spot, I look at the ground seeing orchid's on the floor with sharp glass pieces scattered where I was just laying. 

She did it, huh? She got passed me, I lowered my guard when I thought I had her pinned down. I do have to give her some credit, but....

(Leon)-"Shit!" My boot kicks one of the wooden chairs causing it to crash to the other side of the room knocking into other furniture, Claire doesn't react and stands there in silence. 

(Leon)-"She's gone, she left." 

(Claire)-" Gone? Gone where?" 

(Leon)-"She's going back, to Kamil's Ground Zero to retrieve the box."

(Claire)-"Box? what box?"

(Leon)- "She remembered in a dream that he stored something back at his old desk, a box-- but she doesn't know what its inside." 

(Claire)- "You wouldn't think to inform me on this? She doesn't even know what's in this box and she's risking herself?" 

(Leon)- "That's the point. She doesn't want any of us going and risking our own heads." I walk out of the kitchen and went to the front door-- seeing my handgun is still there.

I picked it up grabbing it and unclipping the magazine to see if all fifteen rounds are in there. I clipped it back in and tucked it behind my back in the waistband of my jeans. I head upstairs into the bedroom going to the closet grabbing my things I hid towards the back, my holster and a couple mags already in the clip. 

(Claire)-" Where are you going?" Claire entered the room leaning on the doorframe. 

(Leon)- "Going after her." I slip on the holster securing it to my right thigh and another one similar to the one back in Europe, where I first met (Y/n).

(Claire)- " Alright, I'm coming with you."

(Leon)- "No, I'll go."

(Claire)-" You asked for my help, remember?" 

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now