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Leon and Ada have their conversation as I just follow them shortly behind. My ears tune them out, trying to hear the light rain falling. The noises I hear in the far distance--  sounds like abandoned police cars with the sirens left on, glass shattering--followed by someones cry for help. God--evacuating people while the town is crawling with the dead-- it's not possible. It must've been chaos. My eyes wandering around-- taking a look of the devastation, It's possible! Bodies are getting up and attacking the living-- infecting others...what really is this? 

My foot stops in place in a puddle of water, the rain continues to fall--looks like it's not going to stop anytime soon. I'm getting colder by the second--but that's the least of my worries. My fingers loosen on the grip of the shotgun-- I don't know why I'm holding it so tightly. Scared maybe?  I don't know.

(Leon)-" (Y/n)" My body jolted at the sound of my name.His eyes were glued to me, making his way back in my direction. I couldn't help but look at his physique, his uniform fitted him and he looked damn well good in it. 

(Leon)- "You all right?" his body towered next me-- his chin lowered and his voice was kept low. 

(Y/n)- "I don't know," I say as I shrug. We head down a staircase leading what looks like a construction site.

(Leon)-" Hmm, maybe I'll ask you again when this is all over" he lightly chuckles showing a little smile. It was sorta calming-- he's got a good smile.

(Y/n)-"Are all cops this nice?" and this attractive? I mean--- hell. Look at him.

(Leon)-" It's part of the job I suppose, but I like to make sure people are doing okay." The staircase ended-- leaving only a ledge to jump down lower. He jumps down with ease-- he slightly looks over his shoulder and gives me a hand wave for me to jump down.

(Y/n)- "I thought all old cops just want to get the situation handled and go home"I spoke as I hesitantly jump down landing on my feet with Leon's hand reaching out to help.

(Leon)-"You think I'm old?" he says with grin and a chuckle.

(Y/n)- "I didn't say that." His neck twitched to the side. 

(Y/n)- "You look too young to be a cop." 

(Leon)- "How old do you think I look?" My eyes take in a good look. His hair, his blue eyes, bone structure-- he's so good-looking. If I had to guess... No older than twenty-three. I'd be embarrassed to even say what I think.

(Y/n)- " Old enough." I shrug again.

(Leon)- "Can I ask you a question?"

(Y/n)-" Yeah." Before he can speak-- his name was called. 

(Ada)-"Leon!" she calls him up ahead bringing this little moment to an end. 

(Leon)- "I guess I'll ask you some other time" He jerked his head for us to keep walking. He caught up with Ada and came to a stop at a large open drain pipe.

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now