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I wasn't expecting this kind of greeting,  maybe I should go on more missions if it'll get a reaction like this from her every time.  I take in the sight of her appearance... every single detail. I have missed her, but she doesn't need to know that right now. I can't help feel slightly frustrated, I shouldn't direct it towards her-- it's not her fault. Her shoulder was bandaged, I can see it peaking out under her arm sleeve. It fuels my frustration even more. I put her down gently and she stand in front of me with her hands at her sides. 

(Leon)- " I need to speak with Chris. Where is he?" Her passionate smile quickly turns into a frown.

(Y/n)- "He's somewhere-- I don't know." I let another sigh out.


Leon begins to walk away-- on the hunt to search for Chris. Why does he want with him? He was all calm and what looks to be happy when he saw me-- it shifted to serious to angry I think. 

(Porter)- "Was that him?" he asks as soon as he was in hearing distance. 

(Tanner)- "Where is he going now?" 

(Y/n)- " I gotta go follow him-- I'll catch up with you guys later." My feet move following in his path to catch up with him. My shoulder was throbbing-- I ignored the pain when I rushed towards Leon in that moment. Aghh-- Jesus, this hurts so bad. 

He could've not gotten that far-- where is he? I look left and right--- trying to spot the back of his head. Found him! He stopped to ask a soldier where Chris is. I sprint my way to him-- causing irritation to my shoulder again.

(Leon)-" Thank you." he said in a calm tone but it doesn't look like he's calm.

(Y/n)- "Leon." He doesn't look over his shoulder when I called out his name. He keeps on walking not saying a thing. I don't like this--not one bit. We're passing meeting room one by one none of them had Chris Redfield. 

We're reaching the farthest room, yeah-- I can hear Chris' voice. He's not alone. The door was closed and Leon stood right in front of it. He lifts his closed fist up and knocked on the metal door three times. The talking stops. The door swings open and  behind it was Chris with a careful expression. He glances in my direction then back to Leon's glare, his lips form a half smirk and a light chuckle.

(Chris)- "Didn't take you long to get here" he steps aside for Leon and I to enter in the room with him. The other voices were not soldiers but probably a higher ranking than Captain Redfield.

(Man)- "We'll finish this up later." He gathers sheets of paper and neatly places it into a olive green folder. It draws my suspicion a little bit-- but that isn't important right now. The ranking officers push their chairs in and head out the room leaving the three of us inside. Chris closes the door behind me.

The aura trapped inside this room with us was a mixture of many-- it was hard to pin point exactly who's aura was making the room feel....warmer..hotter-- it's making me a bit uncomfortable.

(Leon)- ".. Chris" he flatly spoke his name with nothing behind it. Not yet at least. It's Leon. He must be fuming right now.

(Chris)- " Yeah-- I know." He opens the door holding it for no one. His eyes glance to me-- wait..they want me to leave?

(Y/n)- "Wait-- why should I go?" I dart my eyes to Leon and Chris back and forth. Chris still had a minor grin on his face. Leon's nothing, as usual. I look back to Chris and he jerks his head towards the door for me to leave so they can talk one on one.  I don't want to cause any problems at this very moment so I'll listen for once. I make my way towards the door----Bang!

Chris closes it shut.

I stand there with a confused look on my face-- he's still grinning. I look over my shoulder to see Leon's expression, still plain but he's probably cursing on the inside.

(Chris)- "As your Captain, I'm giving you an order to stay."

(Leon)- "Chris! " he takes a step in with a raised voice. A little bit of his anger is leaking out. Chris' grin finally disappears and now in a firm line.

(Chris)- "When are you gonna get it through your head, Leon?"

(Leon)- " You have no right to--"

(Chris)- " I did what was necessary. " He cuts him off while stepping towards him.

(Leon)- " I asked you to watch her."  He asked Chris to watch me? Why? I thought once it was me and him he would let me be a part of this? Wait...It was that phone call Chris had, he was probably talking with Leon! So I was right! Chris probably didn't tell Leon that I was here.I feel angered but at the same time I feel like I'm protected at all times--which isn't so bad but I don't need to be babysat!

(Chris)-" I've kept my part."

(Leon)- "Her being part of the BSAA wasn't!" They both stepped in--looking like they were about to go hand to hand.

(Y/n)- "Guys! Stop! Enough!" I couldn't take more of their bickering. They both look to me--they both exhale deeply to compose themselves. The way they're looking at me is bringing me a bit of déjà vu.

(Y/n)- " Both of you-- sit down." I point to the metal chairs at each end of the table. Chris and Leon looked towards each other and back at me, neither one of them reach for a seat.

(Y/n)- "Look-- Leon, I've missed you. I'm ecstatic that you're here...but you can't always have people watch me when you're not here." His lips purse and his nostrils flare a bit.

(Y/n)-" Chris, yes, you are my Captain now-- but you don't need to abuse it at this very moment. " He looks down at himself but quickly picks his chin up.

(Y/n)- "Now...I want to know what's going on." I say as I place my hands on my hips.Leon's neck twitches, he doesn't seem to want to talk.

(Chris)-"I'll take the lead on this one--"

(Leon)- "No. You've done enough already."

(Chris)-" No, Leon--You let her in. You made her part of this." He says pointing an index finger towards me then to Leon with aggression.

(Leon)- " How's being with the BSAA protecting her, Chris?" He angrily stomps towards me and lifting my sleeve to expose my bandaged shoulder. Chris's lips purse and he sighs deeply,he probably thinks he's to blame.

(Leon)-" Look at her." I yank my sleeve back to cover it back up. He didn't have to do that.

(Chris)- " You didn't see her out there-- she's cut out to be out in the field, a soldier. You didn't give her a chance to sign up with the DSO--"

(Leon)- " I have." he said sternly.

(Chris)-" But you settled when she failed." Leon's eyes were glued and focused on Chris.

(Chris)-"I saw potential." Leon says nothing.

(Chris)-"If you didn't want her being a part of our lifestyle than maybe you shouldn't have gotten attached."

(Y/n)- "Chris--" he's going a bit too far. The room falls silent, Chris and Leon glare towards each other. Why isn't he saying anything? Did Chris hit a nerve?

Leon is the first to drop his stare, his boots move him forward towards me.I want to reach out to him, he was at arm's length to grab--but he wasn't coming to me. Instead he walks passed me and exits out the room closing the door behind him.

This is not like him.

(Chris)- " I'll fill you in on the details."

(Y/n)- "No. I want Leon to tell me"

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now