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How did my life end up this way?

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How did my life end up this way?

My best friend had asked me to visit her, we were supposed to spend time together, shop and talk about guys-- but it didn't go that way did it? No. Instead we got kidnapped, be hosts to parasites, etc, etc. You would think stuff like this happens in books, in movies, but this-- happening in reality is unbelievable. It was nightmare-ish being there....until someone was sent to rescue us.

Leon Kennedy.

He's the one they sent.

Not an army, not a dozen trained black ops snipers, not chuck Norris with a BB gun...

Leon Scott Kennedy.

The name rolls off the tongue in a good way, like taking a sip of water on a very hot day. That makes no sense but let's just say it does. He was there and did what he promised to do... take us home.

How can we go home after a traumatic event such as that? The nightmares made sleeping nearly impossible, I did everything to make them go away. I even stayed awake for two days but I eventually crashed and woke up to a nightmare.


I needed distractions.

Drawings made my nightmares come to life, that didn't do much good. Spending time with family just.... The way they looked at me when I came back, they kept asking me if I was okay. I tell them, "I'm fine, I'm okay." And show them the fakest smile that anyone could spot but my family couldn't. The men who came across me, I don't even remember their names anymore. I couldn't be in a stable relationship with them. It didn't feel, right.. ya know? I mean besides me dealing with what I went through I couldn't be with them.

I wasn't okay.

I wasn't fine.

All I thought about was Salazar and his goons, Saddler, infected roaming the city of Tall Oaks, BOWs. Every time I think about it all I want to do is cry, cry hard

 All the people I've lost...


There was one thing that kept me from crying. Mhmm. It was him. The one who can do a roundhouse kick and make it look really fucking easy, convince you everything is going to be alright while flying a plane loaded with infected passengers, gaze into your eyes with such emotion that he doesn't need to say a word.

He inspired me, I admired him, I was fascinated by him.

I knew when I looked into his eyes my life was going to change, I didn't know how but I just had a feeling. I didn't see him after we returned home, that was a little disheartening. I joined the police academy at the top of my class and moved to a new city, I worked my ass off. I was damn proud of myself, I wanted to help people just like he did for me.

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now