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(Leon)-" Tsk." I lower my device to view the screen, it fades to black. He didn't answer my call. Something doesn't seem right, I don't like they way that call dragged out. I should be focused on my mission instead of personal matters. 

After seeing Ada earlier-- I have a feeling she's playing a game with me,  I don't even know rules yet.

Damn it. I don't like this feeling I'm getting. Why didn't He answer, he's usually quick to respond when called. 

(Hunnigan)- "Leon. Do you read me?" I bring my fingers up to my ear to give in a listen. If it wasn't for Hunnigan-- I'd be trying to make another call to someone. 

(Leon)- "Loud and clear." I say in a low tone while checking my surroundings. It's cold, and dark-- nothing but the sounds of leaves scrapping the ground when the wind sings. 

(Hunnigan)- " We may have some new intel." her voice voice trails, she has my full attention. 

(Leon)- "..What do you have? " I say with a hint of irritation in my tone, didn't mean to come out that way. I just need time to figure out things. 

(Hunnigan)- " You're not going to like this..." Shit. What more could there be? My hand vibrates in my hand. Brining the screen to eye view-- The name lit up while Hunnigan filled me in. I'm gonna have to ask for some favors.

(A Few Days Later)

My eyes blink rapidly--trying to get them moist. I've stared at the computer screen too long--they've gone dry. I lean back in my desk chair--seeing the fifteen minutes of work I put into my résumé. I let out a sigh of relief while stretching my arms up in the air, there's nothing more that could be done. Once I summit this-- there's no going back. Soon, I'll be back in the police force...Back to being me. I'm proud of myself, this is my first step to moving on.

My hand reaches to my phone and unlock the screen, going into my messages-- I called Tanner. It rings three times before he finally answers.

(Tanner)- "Hel-lo?" he spoke loudly in the speaker with a mouthful. I pulled the phone away to give my hearing some peace. 

(Y/n)- " Put down the donut." I roll my eyes with light giggle bringing the phone to my ear again. 

(Tanner)- " You know-- not all cops eat donuts. I'm eating Mexican food  for your information." He says swallowing to speak clearly.

(Tanner)- "Why'd you call anyway?" I spin the chair around to start walking towards my closet, tilting my cheek to hold onto the phone while I casually flip through Leon and I's clothes. Noticing his taste in clothing style-- they're almost about the same kind. V-neck t-shirts in dark colors--majority in black, button ups in dark colors as well. Each clothing I move I could smell his scent off of it. Tanner's slight cough snapped me back-- shit, I forgot I was on the phone with him. 

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now