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(Time Skip)

This new area we entered was....clean and very modern. I look over my shoulder seeing in big bold letters. ' Umbrella Corporation.'  This is the place where we're gonna get answers. It could also be the end of the line for us....I shouldn't think this way-- but I can't help it.  Leon walks in with caution,  he slightly looks over his shoulder to make sure I was keeping up with him.  My stare caught a glimpse of his lips.....he kissed me. It brought itty-bitty butterflies in my chest. Don't think anything of it-- that kiss meant nothing.

(Leon)- "Okay....I wonder where the G-virus is?"

(Y/n)- "Virus? Is that what you're looking for?"Okay-- talk about what's going on-- not some meaningless kiss. It did help with the panic attack though...

(Leon)- "Yeah."

(Y/n)- "..I-is that what started...all this?" My spine gets a cold chill-- feeling goosebumps all over my skin.

(Leon)- "Possibly, come on-- This way" He takes out the flashlight and pointing it down a dark hallway. I stick closely behind him, he aims the light to the wall--there was a trail of splattered blood.

(Y/n)- "...Leon." I whispered.

(Leon)- "Take this." He hands me the flashlight and he equips his handgun. I aim the flashlight all around-- seeing a window next to us. The blinds were crooked-- seeing through them looks like some sort of cafeteria.

(Y/n)- " What the hell happened down here?"

(Leon)- " Your guess is as good as mine."

(Y/n)- " Hey-- there's more of them." I aim the beam towards one, it stands here barely keeping itself balanced. Leon raises his handgun-- finger at the trigger, he pulls it back and a bullet goes onward straight to the head.The body plops to the ground. I move around the light to check to see if there is more of them-- none so far. 

There's so much blood-- it's spread all over the floor....tables, chairs-- everything was knocked over.  Even a rotten smell was beginning to linger. I keep the flashlight in my right hand-- while my left is covering my mouth and nose.

Every footstep we take-- I hear this crunching and slurping sound. What the hell is that? I wave the flashlight to a dark spot of the cafeteria....O-oh god...Those sounds were coming from a woman crouched to the floor--devouring a lifeless body. Oh my god. her teeth chewing on flesh-- swallowing it like it was nothing. It churns my stomach. 

(PA system)- " Our menu is designed for your nutritional needs using our latest biological research. Please enjoy our tasty  selections of foods." Hearing that-- makes it hard to believe so. This is what the world has come to.

(Leon)- "You up for a little lunch?" He cracks a mild choke with a half grin.

(Y/n)- "H-hard pass." I clung to his side-- making sure I'm safe near him.  He aims his handgun down low to sneakily put down the woman who's feasting.  He steps forward to get a better shot-- I stay where I am to avoid seeing the aftermath of it.

Suddenly-- I felt cold hands grab onto my right arm. An infected person widens its mouth to take a bite out of me! I scream-- reacting quickly to avoid being bitten. I was knocked to the ground on my back with this infected woman on top-- her snarls and saliva dripping down to my neck. The flashlight fell out of my hand when I was pushed to the ground-- I couldn't see anything!

(Y/n)- "Aghhh!" I scream-- hoping I'm choking the woman's neck to avoid her teeth.

(Leon)-" Hold on!" his boot kicks the flashlight causing it to spin the light around on the floor. He was dealing with an infected as well. A few rounds go off and a thud. Aghh! Get this woman off of me! I can't hold her!

(Y/n)- "Agrrhh!" I scream feeling her inch closer and closer-- her hot breath near my face.

A weight has been lifted-- Leon picks her up and tosses her across floor. He fires a few bullets and another body falls. I wail to myself-- scared that I was defenseless in the dark-- not able to see. That could've been it for me!

(Leon)- " Hey! Hey--You're okay, You're okay!" Leon attends to me, lifting me up from the ground holding me close to him as I try to collect myself. I was still in a state of panic-- No light-- causing me to burst out more in fright.

(Y/n)- " The light, the light, the light--! " I shout-- needing some comfort.

(Leon)- "Here, here-- I got it. I got it! You're safe. You're fine!" He picks up the flashlight and shines it to his face and mine to see that everything is in fact okay at the moment. My breathing sounded like I was crying-- but I wasn't... it was all fear. Leon's hands rub up and down both my arms making a little friction of warmth to help me settle down, it's slightly working.

(Leon)- "You're safe...You're okay.." he embraces me into his chest. My cheek pressed into his bullet proof vest. If I'm quiet enough-- I can hear his steady heart beating.  It was silent for a moment or two..

(Leon)- "You know, You say a lot of encouraging words-- yet you don't live up to them"  As of right now-- I'm starting to calm down but his words furrow my brows.

(Y/n)-" I do that sometimes..." I let out a sigh of relief and a light chuckle.

(Leon)-" Maybe I can help with that." What does he mean by that? He hands me the flashlight and I immediately shine it up to his face causing him to squint his eyes.

(Y/n)- "...Thank you."

(Leon)- " I won't let anything happen to you." I stare deep into his blue eyes. He really makes you believe him..Do I believe him?

I don't know....I just don't know..

(Leon)- "You got something----here. " he steps to a near table and picks up an unused napkin. He hesitates a second before he gently wipes my neck-- cleaning what may have been saliva or blood. I lift my chin up for him to make it easier for him. He crinkles the napkin and tossing it back where he grabbed it. Again our eyes meet, I wanted to say thank you but my mouth stays closed. He glances at my lips for a quick second before taking a step back.

(Leon)- " Come on, lets keep moving."

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now