CHAPTER FORTY SEVEN: We Breathe,We Dream, We Raise Our Love (Part One)

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I know its been a long time! I'm sorry! 

I've been extremely busy and had a big ol' case of Writers Block. 

This chapter I've been working on is pretty long and going to be posting it into parts, hope you like this one :) 

While you're reading this, I've also been working on another fanfic. If you guys are a fan of My Hero Academia, also Bakugo... A bakugo x reader is in the works. Already have two chapters posted.  "Are You Bored Yet?" is the book. 

I'd love if you'd guys would check it out xDD 

Now, carry on...


I gasp sitting up in bed-- breathing heavily and sweating profusely. I wipe the sweat from my forehead, I feel warm to the touch too. What the hell was that dream? Seeing the name plaques... mine, Niko's and Morgan's-- bu-but why? Why are my nightmares taking me to that place? I inhale in and slowly exhale out to get my breathing back to normal. I look towards the window seeing little sunlight peeking through-- the sun is barely coming up.

I looked over to Leon's side and he was gone, Oh, I already don't like this.

I remove the covers, setting my feet on the ground. I stand making my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. maybe that'll make me feel better, wash away the bad that even a thing?

(Time Skip)

My hands reach for a hand towel and wipe my wet face. I feel fresh and awake, but it doesn't help that I still feel disturbed from my nightmare last night. It has to mean something, doesn't it? Niko's, Morgan's-- hell.. even kamil's.

'Everybody's dead'

That voice said it twice.. it brings me chills just thinking about it.

I brushed all the knots out of my hair and left the guest bedroom. I should go see how my babies are doing, they might want to stretch their legs, breathe in some fresh air and-- wait-- what the hell did I just see? I stopped just before I was about to head down the stairs but something caught my eye. I take a few steps backward just outside an open door room. My eyes take in the sight I'm seeing..... back muscles flexing, exercise form spot on, sweat glistening from the sun breaking through the window blinds.

I lean my shoulder against the door frame watching as he continues to do his reps. I won't say anything just....take in this sight. I was unaware that this room is a light weight workout room. The floors were covered in black thick gym mats, a rack neatly holding dumbbells in a variety of weights and other things-- I hear light soft groans as he lifts himself up using the pull up bar that is connected to the door frame of the closet. He hops down rotating his arms seeing every muscle definition on his back. He grabs a navy blue towel wiping the sweat from his face.

(Leon)- "Morning" he says without even turning around to see me. Did he know I was here?

(Y/n)- "M-morning" I coughed to get my act together. He continues to wipe the sweat from his shoulders, my eyes couldn't help but to gaze at his full physique. I started with his torso trailing down to his lower abdomen, he is still well fit. He's wearing simple black gym shorts with black and white Nike workout shoes.

He rests the towel around his neck taking a few steps towards me. He towers over me looking down and eyeing me. His lips form a tiny grin.

(Leon)- " I'm going to take a shower, I'll make you breakfast once I'm out." He says as he walks by, his right hand reaches out and rests at my cheek-- his thumb rubbing back and forth. His palm retreats and he leaves the room going to our guest bedroom. I take a breath in and exhale slowly. What in the hell... I feel like I need to take a few laps around the neighborhood after what I just saw.

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