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Welcome back, guys!

I wasn't going to start posting right away-- but I couldn't help myself. I already had a jump start writing most of the beginning.

I hope you guys are excited as I am.

** Vol. 5 picks up where Vol. 4 ended, Just a FYI. **

You already know how this goes:

1.) There will be swearing

2.) There will be minor spelling mistakes, sentences that make no sense.

3.) (Y/n) = Your name



I stepped foot in the entry way into my new home, but when I fully entered inside-- the air feels different

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I stepped foot in the entry way into my new home, but when I fully entered inside-- the air feels different. This house looks new inside and out-- but it doesn't feel like its new. There was already furniture placed inside, not much. It was put together in the right spots, now all it needs is some TLC. A house as beautiful as this, it was lonely and empty. I look around to see the open living room concept--combined with the kitchen. How can this house not be cared for? It might be just better than my old house.

I shut the door behind me, the click of the lock echoes through-- bouncing off the white walls. My eyes study the living room layout.

Whoa...I'm gonna be busy figuring where I'm going to move around furniture. I can already picture it, some end tables over there-- a book case here, which I don't know why I would need a book case since everything I read is online. Overall having a book case would tie the room together. With these long white walls-- it's going to be a perfect spot for posters of art or music-- whichever I decide. I should probably start searching on amazon.

In the corner of the living room rests a long sectional black leather L shaped couch. From the looks of it-- it looks uncomfortable-- maybe I'm wrong. Mounted on the wall in front of the couch was a large flatscreen tv. I walked closer to expect it--seeing dust piling up. This has been here a while, hasn't been touched or wiped clean. Maybe the previous owners left it behind for the new owner to keep, which happens to be me.

I turned back around stepping towards the couch, lowering myself on it. Oh boy, I was so wrong to misjudge the couch. It was comfy, beyond comfy. I don't know how to explain it. My muscles that were tense start to relax-- feeling the tension slowly disperse. How could the previous owners leave this thing behind? It's wonderful! I don't see any scratches or marks-- so I doubt any house pets ruined it.

My moment of relaxation was interrupted when an alarm on my phone started to go off. I pulled it from my pocket, a small grin started to form on my lips. This was a gift from Leon a couple weeks ago when I was still in the lab, I'm surprised he remembered he owed me one. I shake my head at the moment when it happened. I was furious with him.

I shut the alarm off, it was a reminder to take my pill. A pill to make sure the virus is in check, they told me to take one every day-- any time. They did all the testing they could-- took enough blood from me to keep doing their tests without me. They even might send someone to collect more. Why would they discharge me if they weren't done? I don't know-- but I don't care-- as long as I can get away from there for a while. I'm stuck to swallowing pills instead. Hell, it's better than being pricked with a bunch of needles and tubes for the rest of my life. I just have to take these pills until they find a cure for this engineered virus-- I'm carrying. That's if they find one, if not than it's going to be with me forever.

A reminder from Kamil.

I peel away from the couch, heading over to my green canvas bag of my things I brought with me from the room I was living in when I was being tested. All those days and nights--hours,days, months-- of them drawing my blood. The tests I was put through to see if the virus does what it was designed to do. It was painful, to think, Sherry had to go through the same process. She stayed with me while I was there, felt like she knew I didn't want to go through it alone. Sometimes I can still feel the needles, the pain-- It's going to be a while to adjust to being normal for a while.

My hand unzips the bag--digging through until I feel a small plastic bottle that sounds like a rattle. I raise the bottle up to get a view of the black pills. Could've they made the color blue or red? I really don't want to take them, but I have to. I unscrew the cap, tilting the bottle to get one capsule onto my hand. I closed my palm-- keeping the pill from rolling away while I put the bottle away into my bag. I head towards the kitchen, opening up random cabinets--looking for a a cup to pour some water in. I opened up a cabinet near the sink, there placed neatly was six glass cups. I take one and rinsed it in the sink. Good to know the water is turned on.

I filled the glass halfway, afterwards I shut the faucet off. I look at the pill in my palm, I have no other choice. I pop the pill into my mouth--drowning it with water afterward. The pill falls down my throat, I let out a cough-- as it goes down. I gently place the glass on the counter, my thoughts deep inside my head. Questions that keep looping in a circle-- almost like another person is non stop talking to me.

Why does everything always happen to you?

Where is Leon?

Does he even care about you?

You've lost everything, again.

My fingers grip the edge of the counter-- feeling so much pressure. The negativity is kicking in again-- don't let it get to me. I know that everything up until now will be different. Maybe this time I'll be safe. Maybe one day, Leon will stay permanently-- or at least take a vacation. I don't know, but I can only dream that it can happen.

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now