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It's been about fifteen minutes, why isn't he back yet? Is it me? Did I overdo it? God-- I don't know what came over me

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It's been about fifteen minutes, why isn't he back yet? Is it me? Did I overdo it? God-- I don't know what came over me....just the way he pulled me into him, his kisses were soft and slow... then it got heavier and quicker. He hasn't done that in a while...not since that first night we had together. That was such a long time ago....probably the best night of my life. There I go again! I slap my palms to my face to cover up my blushing--even in a room by myself I feel embarrassed. I sit up on the bed and put my clothing back on, do I just wait for him to return or do just fall asleep all bothered? I don't think I can even sleep while being in this state.


I slightly chuckle to myself with a wide smile, how can he contain himself? I was weak in the knees as soon as his hand touched my waist. I swear....only he has this kind of power over me. What the hell is it that he has?

I look to the alarm clock displaying the time near the bedside table, now it's been twenty minutes. I want him back here-- not to continue where he left off-- well... sorta. Ugh-- I just want him here with me. I'll just go see what's keeping him, I got up from the bed adjusted my shirt-- picked up my hair to tie it into a messy bun. My hand reached the doorknob twisting it to open, I hear Leon's voice along with Claire's-- talking quietly but I can't seem to hear what. I head down the stairs-- remembering Claire's warning from earlier. Their voices start to get clearer but they suddenly stop when they hear me coming.

(Claire)- "Should we talk about this another time?" They were talking in the office space.

(Leon)- "I'll talk to her, it's getting late-- you should get some sleep."

(Claire)-" Yeah..Have a goodnight."

(Leon)- "Same goes for you." He walks out the office and closes the door but leaving a crack open. He sees me standing near the stairs, his eyes scan me from the bottom to the top. His lips form a light smile. He stands beside me about to head upstairs but before he does he reaches my hand making me follow him up. There goes my weak knees again, his hand is so warm and soft. We reach our room and he allows me to head in first. He closes the door shut but doesn't turn to face me just yet. His shoulders seemed takes them a while to come to a relaxed position.

(Y/n)- "Leon." I say his name in a whisper. He turns around with his eyes on me again. He closes the gap between us raising his hand up to my chin and lifts my chin. His lips pressed against mine. Yep, totally weak kneed. He moves them in a way that's desirable, leaving me wanting more. He pulls away but pecks once, twice-- three more times before his eyes gaze at me.

(Leon)- " Do you trust me?" he says calmly and smooth. My brows furrow, what kind of question is that?

(Y/n)- " I do. why?" He grins.

(Leon)- " We're gonna be staying here for a while, laying low. Ada is gonna be looking for us, eventually she's gonna find you."

(Y/n)- "Shouldn't we-- I don't know.. not be around people who could possibly get hurt? Get rid of my phone-- don't drown it in beer either." I cross my arms over my chest and give him a tiny glare. He lets out a chuckle and starts to remove his shirt. I am in awe of the sight of his chest, I see the scars. I haven't heard the rest of his story.

(Leon)- " Remember who gave you a new phone in the first place." I let out a scoff, I should have known. He probably has that taken care of-- that's probably how he found me at the BSAA base.

(Leon)- "Hunnigan informed me that my mission is still ongoing, keeping you safe is my main objective."

(Y/n)-" Déjà vu...only this case you're protecting the virus." It blurted out my mouth, sounded kind of insensitive to me.

(Leon)- " You're safe with me."He lightly chuckles with a grin. Every time he says that, I truly believe he keeps me safe. He gives me chaste, swift kiss and steps to sit at a corner of the bed to remove his boots. Every kiss feels like my breath is being sucked out of me, never have I felt this way before-- none of my ex's sweeps me off my feet like he does.

(Y/n)- "What's the plan then?" I say once I breathe air into my lungs again.

(Leon)- " You and I stay here. Hunnigan will let me know what they find, Claire is gonna be in and out, she knows a few people who could probably help us out." I look down at my feet, thinking of how staying here is going to help-- he's not going into much detail. Leon places his boots aside and stands tall taking a step towards me.

(Leon)- "I will fill you in when I find out more information." He places his hand to the back of my head leaning my chin down to kiss my forehead. He steps away and proceeds to head to the bathroom to prepare for a shower. I turn my head to view his backside-- wide shoulders, muscles relaxed. He enters the bathroom and shuts the door behind him.

(Time Skip)

My leg twitches underneath the blanket-- instantly waking me up. Muscle spasms, hate it when that happens. My eyes flutter open seeing the bedroom still filled with darkness, the sun hasn't come up yet. I turn on my shoulder pulling the blanket to snuggle with...wait... I'm the only one in bed. Where is he? I sat up-- patting his side of the bed, it was cold-- he hasn't been here in a while. I remove the covers off of me and step off the bed-- feet touching the cool floor. Heading out of the guest bedroom, quiet to not make any noise to bother Claire. It's so dark I could barely see. Okay-- I'll just feel my way around and work my muscle memory where the stairs are. Step, step, step-- steady as I can be. I reach the bottom step seeing some light coming from the kitchen. The light was dim, someone was in the kitchen in silence. I step closer seeing Leon leaning against the counter with a glass of water beside him.

(Y/n)- " Can't sleep?" I slowly step towards in.

(Leon)- " Not exactly" He grabs his glass and takes a sip. He's probably not use to staying put for so long--aways on the move. I step closer and lean on the counter next to him crossing my arms over my chest.

(Y/n)- "Is this plan really going to work?" My thought skipped the filter and went straight out my mouth. I know his plans work-- but something about just hiding and staying put in a friends can cause trouble. Leon gulps down the rest of the water and places it into the sink.

(Leon)- " Let's get some sleep. " he places his hand behind my back guiding me to lead to head back upstairs.

If the plan is to stay here, thinking about it... this is going to show what Leon and I's relationship is going to be like living together without any danger, no missions.

Just the two of us.

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now