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September 5th is an exciting day. 


It's my birthday y'all!

Since it's my birthday, I thought I'd give you guys a chapter-- I hope you enjoy it :)


I raise my fists up just about shoulder length, my left foot forward and my right stepped back--this was my starting position

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I raise my fists up just about shoulder length, my left foot forward and my right stepped back--this was my starting position. I take a second glance at Porter--a smile spread across his face. I don't know why he wants this-- I don't see a point. Looking over his shoulder seeing Marquez, Scott and Harrison--their expression reads pure excitement. I let a breath out slowly, I don't know how this little spar is going to play out--I've only trained with Chris. 

(Chris)- "Begin." Porter didn't waste any time, he charged towards me with a full swing. My right forearm raises blocking his punch, he quickly brings in a left hook-- my reaction time was a little off but I managed to duck my head under his attack and stick him with a left hook. He lets out a grunt and takes a step back, he takes a second to examine my position and goes again coming in with lefts and rights. His jabs were quick-- some I blocked but some connected with my body. It wasn't a full force punch but it was still a hit. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists, I extend my arm out for punch but Porter took a hold of it. With a firm grip-- he twists around using his weight to toss me over his shoulder. I brace for impact using my free hand to protect my head. my back landed on the hard ground-- I let out a groan,  Porter still had my right hand and he puts me in a hold. One leg on my torso and another on my neck, he tugs on my arm causing little discomfort. 

I can hear the disappointment in his corner at what may seem the end of this little one on one, he does another tug to my arm-- does he want me to tap out? 

(Scott)- "Wow-- that's it? Porter won" she scoffs and crosses her arms over her chest. 

Chris's heavy boots take three steps towards us and bends his knees to eye me at my level. His facial expression look like he has something up his sleeve. 

(Chris)-" Porter is known around here for being an ass. Don't let yourself get beaten by an ass." He says with smirk on his face and a head tilt. 

(Chris)- " Get serious" he stands tall and steps away from us. 

(Chris)-" (Y/n)." he says my name in a stern tone. 

(Chris)- "Lift." My body lifts into a bridge position. 

(Chris)- "Alpha" As soon as Chris said that word-- I knew what he was doing. I twist my hips to hook my right leg behind Porters head, my left leg is used to jump up to stand back on my feet behind porter. He had no choice but to release my arm to defend himself. 

(Chris)- "Bravo"  Code words were used during our training, it made things easier for me to remember. Porter expressed a confused face-- his brows furrow.  He doesn't know what to do but to charge in again, I stood my ground and waiting for his lefts and rights.I block them perfectly--but he did something new. He goes for a round house kick-- his foot making contact with my forearm as I try to protect myself. My body turns around with my back exposed to him-- he makes a quick grab at my shoulders forcing my body to fall back onto the ground. 

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now