CHAPTER TWO: I've Waited For You

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I swallow the pill, drinking lots of water right after. I let out a small cough-- tasting water that might come back up. Tanner and Chris both went home for the night-- I thought Tanner was going to stay over but I guess not. I wouldn't mind the company. Even with the house starting to come together-- it still feels empty and lonely inside. I'm on my own tonight, hearing the TV play in the background. I look down in the sink of dishes left behind from my guests, I don't mind it though-- keeps my mind busy. 

I turn on the sink faucet,  grabbing the dirty dishes--scrubbing the greasy away with the yellow sponge. Dish after dish, for once my mind had nothing to think about. It's main focus was to get these dishes clean so tomorrow I don't have to do them. My hands reaches a knife underneath a ceramic white plate-- feeling it slice through my skin. I quietly yelp-- bring my hand to my chest. Aghh-- shit, that fucking hurt like hell. I look to my palm-- seeing blood dripping down on the floor. Staring at the fresh wound, it began to heal itself-- feeling it burning, skin reattaching itself. It doesn't surprise me as much anymore, the first time seeing this-- I was horrified, I was afraid of myself. 

My blood stained my hands-- I have to clean this up. I reach to the paper towels-- my elbow bumps into a glass up of water. It spills over to the duffel bag Chris brought to me-- shit, shit! I drop the paper towel in my hands and pick up the glass-- like that's going to do anything.  I push the duffel bag away-- with the weight shifting-- gravity pulls it off the counter. To make things worse, all my stuff inside the bag beings to fall out-- frames cracking and glass shattering. 

This was all my doing-- I caused this. I let out a loud grunt in frustration. I lower to my knees to start cleaning the mess I just made. One by one, removing the picture from the broken frames-- I pick up the ones that made the fall without a scratch or crack. Eyeing the ones I grab, my mind starts to remember who gave them to me. I remember Tanner gave me this one, Ashley gave me this for Christmas-- I'm glad to have these with me again. I think I'll place these near the bookshelf. My hand reached out to something-- an item I don't recall. 

Wait-- This was from Ada. I thought this was lost-- I even forgotten about it. I remember her telling me, " You'll know when to use it when the time comes." What the hell do I do with this? My fingers held the glass item very delicately, it started beeping in my hands. What the hell?! How do I make it stop?! Whatever this thing is-- is it a device?! This isn't making any sense! My fingers being to touch everything-- I somehow figured something out, the beeping comes to a stop. What the hell did Ada give me?! I set it on the floor very carefully-- not to trigger it again. 

(Time Skip) 

I shift in bed, my body not wanting to rest. I stare into the ceiling, my mind was racing-- thinking about everything all at once. I couldn't fall asleep, its not like I'm doing anything important tomorrow anyway. I let out a sigh-- closing my eyes to force myself to sleep, but it wasn't doing any good. I lean over to the bedside seeing the time on the clock, 10:02 pm. A groan escapes my mouth-- It's going to be a long night. Maybe I should count sheep, I hear that works. 

I jolt up in bed, hearing shuffling going on somewhere downstairs. What the hell is that? My hand slips under the extra pillow to reveal my handgun. Can't be too careful, I know. I place my finger above the safety button, switching it off. I could have sworn I heard something. I know I'm not going crazy. I slowly scooted off the bed, my bare feet touching the soft grey carpet. 

I am my handgun steady in front of me, baby steps as I head out the bedroom. I ignore the fact that I'm only in a baggy band t-shirt and pajama shorts. My heart was beating out of my chest. Get a grip, (Y/n)! As I reach down to the first floor-- everything was untouched. I further step into the kitchen. Nothing of out the ordinary. 

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