CHAPTER FORTY EIGHT: We Breathe,We Dream, We Raise Our Love (Part Two)

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Here I am standing in front of the bathroom mirror, hair is damp and towel wrapped around my naked body. I have a few hours to get ready, five hours to be exact. I'm nervous as hell, I could just go how I would normally go on a date with someone... but this is different....Leon isn't just someone. He's someone I followed for many years, I simply couldn't let him go. I tried to lie to myself that Leon and I could never happen... There was always that hope inside of me.

This is our first official date together.

I have always thought what would it be like, Leon is ....well... it's hard to pinpoint what kind of type he is. I know he's not the type to go all flashy and rent helicopter rides and spend thousands of dollars on meals we'll only pick at. It annoys me that he says I'm the one who knows more about him than anyone... But it doesn't seem like it.

I take my brush by the corner of the sink and brush out all the knots. I still have plenty of time to think of an outfit and how I'm gonna put on my makeup. I'm really curious where we would go, knowing what I know about Leon already-- my mind is thinking about a bar. Even if he chose that as our first date I wouldn't care about the location, it's him I'm worried about. We're gonna sit together and he's going to give me his full undivided attention. I'm used to him but that's only for a few minutes before I start to get nervous, all the other times we were busy shooting at something.

Two knocks came from behind the bathroom door. I set the brush down and opened it. Leon stood there in all black attire.

(Leon)-" Hey." He seemed to be caught off guard. I forgot I was still just wrapped in a towel.

(Y/n)-" What's wrong"

(Leon)-"You're needed in the office" he says grinning. I'm needed? By who?

(Y/n)-" Is Claire back?" He doesn't say anything but give me his gaze. I tilt my head and furrow my eyebrows. I walked past him and headed to the office, I should have put clothes on first but it's too late now.

I enter the office and nothing seems to be out of the ordinary.

(Tanner)- "Hel-loooo?" his voice spoke in a sing-song like tone.

Is that? No way. I walked around the office desk and saw on the screen, a full view of Tanner.

(Y/n)- "Tanner!" If my smile gets any bigger my whole jaw might fall off. I sat in the chair making myself look appropriate and comfortable.

(Tanner)- "Hey, long time no see" his facial hair is growing even more, it's a good look for him. He looks like he's been putting on muscle too, eventually he could reach up to Chris.

(Y/n)- " It's so good to see you, sorry I don't look presentable." I say adjusting the towel.

(Tanner)- "Nothing I haven't seen before.....Kidding! Kidding.... is he in the room?" he asks worryingly that Leon might have heard. A laugh came out instantly.

(Y/n)-" No he isn't."

(Tanner)- "Oh good."

(Y/n)- " What-- how--you--" I struggle to come out with a sentence or words in the matter. I'm just so giddy to see him.

(Tanner)- "Leon privately called Chris and asked to speak with me, said you could use a friendly face" Leon called him? Probably  how distraught I was this morning.

(Tanner)- "How's it living in the suburbs? Do you guys feel like newly weds with nothing to worry about?" he smirks, adjusting his BSAA uniform.

(Y/n)- "It's a little different."

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