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I thought I'd be happy to see my home, but at this very moment...I'm not. If only this situation were different.I would be coming home right about now and be able to spend time with her properly-- but they never make it easy for me. The information I received still running through my mind-- I don't know what to think of it.


I don't know how this is going to be played out.

I've done what I think is the best move.

The house has gone dark, no light coming through the windows, the neighborhood is silent. I don't know if that's a good sign. My boots begin to move in on my home--approaching the porch and the front entrance. Looking left and right to the neighbors next door, they're lights were off, over my shoulder to glance across the street-- the lights were also out. My neck tilts looking back to the front of my home, my lips form a firm line. A light breeze flew by-- the street lights buzzed on illuminating the entire block. I better keep my guard up.

Something I never thought I'd do while I'm still duty--is take out my personal keys. It's strange. Flipping through the four keys I have clipped to the key ring, the only silver one is what I need to enter inside.They slightly jingle making a bit of a sound.What I didn't know was that someone was home-- the barking, the constant scratching, and the little yelps coming from the other side of the door. My brows furrowed a little.

They were supposed to get picked up, why are the animals still here?

I fit the key into the slot and twist to hear the lock click. Pushing the door inward, Major's nose peeped through the crack. Once the door opened fully his tail was wagging side to side in excitement with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth.

(Leon)- "Hey buddy-- you missed me?" His heavy panting and tongue licks made it clear that maybe he did. Looks like he's grown a bit. A cat meows lightly across the dark room, he's high and mighty in his cat tower. Major barks loudly trying to get my attention, he runs in a circle before he lays on his back wanting a belly rub.

(Leon)- "It's great to be home-- but...." I stop--She's gone, for now. She's safe. I straightened out my back and took quiet steps slowly searching the house--keeping the lights off.

My fingertip touches my holster that's strapped to my right thigh-- with a single flick I unclasped the strap to release my handgun. My hand wields the gun with my right index finger switching the safety to off. Kitchen--clear, downstairs hallway--clear. Steady heading upstairs to the guest bedroom, office, and spare bedroom-- they were all clear. I aim the handgun ahead of me-- the master bedroom was last-- pushing the door open with a creak. I stepped further into the bedroom seeing almost nothing out of the ordinary. The bed was neatly made, clothes were put away and not on the chair for once. I exhale a breathe and lower my weapon to the my side.Hearing Major's dog tags clanking-- he made his way to the bedroom and jumped on the bed sitting like he owns it. He gives me that puppy look and lays down with his paws hanging off the edge of the bed.

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now