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My eyes stare up at the white ceiling, chest rising up and down-- breathing in sync. It's strange being here, even more, the house is finally starting to feel like home. I knew I wasn't going to be around to make it my own. I had Sherry give her this address, her moving in was a way for me to keep tabs on her. Also, in a way for me to be close to her. That's what she always ever wanted.

I look over to (Y/n), she was lying her side--her bare back exposed to me.My hand raises, fingers reaching out--fingertips lightly brush her back trailing down her mid back. 

Her scars are gone. 

All of them. 

The virus healed her old wounds. The ones that reminded her of what we've been through together, the village, the struggle-- they're all gone. I guess it's a good thing. 

I lean up-- scooting to the edge of the bed. I pull up the sheets covering my lower half. My eyes examine the carpeted floor, our clothes scattered around. I look over my shoulder to see her now sleeping face down with her body spread out with the sheets barely covering her behind. 

I've wasted time, I know I can never get it back-- but this time I'm not waiting anymore. I'm not making her wait either. I pulled the sheets away from me, reaching out to grab my clothes. One leg after another, I zipped up and stood on my feet. I walked around the bed to (Y/n)'s side. She's finally getting some rest. I grab the blankets--pulling them up to her shoulders. I lower down and press a light kiss into her hair.I gaze down at her, she was sound asleep. I let out a soft chuckle. 

She's worn out. 

I step away to reach down to retrieve my shirt from the floor. I should let her sleep. Making my way to the bedroom door, I leave closing it--leaving a small gap slightly cracked open. Heading back downstairs-- slipping my arms through my t-shirt. I roll the fabric down my body, my hand pats the top of Major's head. His ears twitch with a lick to my palm as I pass by heading towards the kitchen. My hands lean against the island counter, there in front of me was the vodka bottle and the flipped shot glass. I let out another chuckle. 

She held a gun up at me. She's brave-- but she did slightly tremble at the sight of me. I'm glad she understands what I tried to protect her from.  I wouldn't want her to change the way she is, even if it means taking something away from her. She means something to me, took me a while to figure out what that was.I tried many ways to stay away from her-- even making her wait for me. Nothing seems to work, but now-- it's all different, I'm going to embrace it. I'm going to be with her. 

I look to the time flashing on the stove. 2:14 am.  My mind is all over the place, my thoughts here and there. 

I take the bottle and flip the shot glass over, filling the glass to the rim. Picking up the shot-- hitting it back like it was just water. I should probably rest, I don't know when I'll be called again. I told Hunnigan to give me a few days--but knowing her, she's only gonna give me a day. 

Why would Ada give it to her? This is some kind of game she's playing? 

Who knows. 

I'm glad she did it though, in a way, Ada gave me a slight push. A push I needed. 

(Y/n)'a words echoed in my head. She wants to know my past-- how I survived,what I saw-- how I felt. I never forgot....Their names, their faces-- Raccoon City is where it started for me. I was just a rookie cop, I didn't know anything-- and I got myself involved in it. Another chuckle escapes from me. Reminds me a little of her. 

I leave the bottle behind as I step out of the kitchen and sit in the living room couch. My back resting all the way back.  My head rests-- eyes looking up at the ceiling. 

Look at the way my life turned out, I wouldn't be where I am if I didn't make it out of Raccoon. I wouldn't have met the people along the way. 

Including (Y/n)

I tilt my head slightly. What if? 

What if she was there? What if she was there when it all started? 

Raccoon City? 

Would it turn out differently? 

Would she be at my side at the end of it? 

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now