CHAPTER FOUR: Work In Progress

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[One Day Before] 


I tap the closed end of the bright yellow highlighter against my teeth, chewing the cap after. A habit of mine when I'm deep thinking. I pull back the newspaper to get a better look of what I've circled in yellow. These jobs are only part time, I need a full time. I'll lose my apartment if I don't find one anytime soon. My part time job now isn't enough. Gah-- why is being an adult so hard?! I slam the paper down on my lap, the crinkling of the paper cringing my ears.

The muted TV is distracting me, besides-- nothing on but the boring news. I grasp onto the remote and shut of the thing, the screen fades to black. 

I dart my eyes back to the newspaper, I groan in defeat. Maybe Mom and Dad were right, maybe it was too soon for me to move out on my own. I mean-- I didn't move that far from them. Raccoon City is just a few hour drive. 

I move aside the newspaper to get up and walk to the kitchen. I popped into the fridge to take out a carton of orange juice. I uncap the top open--brining the carton up to my lips. The juice hit the spot. I capped the carton and put it back in the fridge.My small mobile flip phone started to ring, I reached for it on the small counter-- unplugging it from the wall-- flipping it open to answer. 

(Y/n)- "Hello? 

(Mom)- "Hey honey, how's it going?" her cheery voice straightens out my back. 

(Y/n)- "Hey mom! Good to hear from you. uh-- everythings good" I say with a high octave voice, equally matching her tone.

(Mom)- "Oh that's good. You found a stable job?" 

(Y/n)- "Yes! I did" I lie. If I say yes-- maybe she'll finally get off my back about it or stop talking--hopefully not turning it into some kind of lecture.

(Mom)- "That's wonderful. You know your father and I are very proud of you. You know if it doesn't work out for you there--you can always come back home." The way she's speaking-- she's trying to work a talk in there. 

(Y/n)- "Yeah--I know, but I like it here mom. I'm having fun." By fun, I mean staying home most days. 

(Mom)-"Hopefully not too much fun" I can hear it in  her voice, even  she's probably raising an eyebrow as well. 

(Y/n)- "Mom." I have to shut her down. 

(Mom)- " Wait-- did you already meet someone? How old? Does he have a stable job? Does he want children?" And There she goes. 

(Y/n)- "Mom! No!" I roll my eyes, I wonder if she senses my annoyance right now. 

(Mom)- "Oh, well--when you do find the right man, you make sure he's the right one. You should marry someone who has a stable job, who wants a family in the future--" 

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now