CHAPTER TWENTY SEVEN: Shakin' Off The Rust (Part One)

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Present Day

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Present Day

Day One of Training

I examine the handgun very carefully, it has its scrapes and dents-- obviously used for training purposes. Eyes wandering the room, it looked like your typical shooting range layout. Stalls for each person, target papers at a far distance to practice on, noise cancelling sort of feels like the police academy.Chris paces back and forth behind us, watching not only me-- but Tanner, Porter, Scott, Marquez, and Harrison. Next to me I can hear Scott lightly giggling to herself, Porter being the cause of those giggles.  Chris glared at the two of them and they snapped back into place.

(Chris)- "This is the beginning of your training, there will be two more exercises-- "

(Porter)- "Sorry to interrupt, Captain-- but the three of us already went through this. Why do we have to go through this again?" Chris's posture tightens and once again shoots a glare at Porter.

(Chris)- "Because the three of you failed these training exercises, This is your second opportunity to show you are BSAA soldiers." he spoke in a clear, direct tone towards the three of them.   I'm not surprised these three failed them-- but if they failed-- does that mean these exercises are difficult? Porter kept his mouth shut and straightened out his back and kept himself quiet for Chris to continue.

(Chris)- " In front of you is a SIG Sauer M11, you will disassemble and reassemble your weapon as quickly as you can." his boots came to a sudden stop, feeling his stare digging into my back.

This 'Training exercise' is probably a warm up. I don't see how this is an exercise-- I'm assuming the four of us already know how to disassemble and reassemble a handgun.

(Tanner)- " Captain, if I may-- but this all seems...too easy?" Chris throat chuckled as a response.

(Porter)- " This is gonna be fun.." he says with a low raspy voice and a quick cracking of his neck. 

(Chris)- "Begin!"

A loud buzzer went off--startling me to get a hand on the pistol. My hands work quick to remove the pieces one by one, a whirring sound came from inside the shooting lanes-- the wall begins to raise. Snarls, growls and yells-- the wall raises fully revealing mutated human begins that have been infected. These things were being restrained, they try to jump out of their restraints but it was no good. A loud beep activates-- releasing the mutated beings, starting from  the neck working its way down to its wrists then ankles. Once they were free they begin sprinting up our lanes! I stumbled with a piece trying to remove it-- all the pieces are now spread out. My eyes look down my lane--seeing it run full speed, my fingers were beginning to shake, heart elevating...

This is the exercise!? 

What is the reason for this?!

The sounds coming from these creatures-- it was terrifying, the animal like snarls and heavy panting. They're getting too close! I haven't assembled the gun yet-- fuck! A piece gets snagged not wanting to come apart to properly to put it back in its place. The creature yells and attempts to make an attack--I drop the gun from my hands for my fingers to unhook the strap to my combat knife on my right thigh. With a quick swift motion-- the amount of force I threw the knife pierced the front skull cutting through the multiple eyes it has. It drops to the ground with a thud--body twitches.

Hearing a few rounds go off near by, That person was Tanner.  A few seconds after was Porter. Two more people fire and the last person who didn't was Scott-- who screamed when the creature was coming in for an attack. A turret above us got notified and began to fire multiple rounds shooting it dead. My heart raced intensely-- its gonna take a minute or two for it to slow back down.Chris and the other BSAA members did not flinch-- stood absolutely still. 

(Tanner)- "What the fuck are those things?!" he's shocked at the sight, I dart my eyes at one of begins to move in Marquez's lane, it wasn't dead. Chris waved his hand up for the turrets to stand down, he walks near Marquez's lane and takes his handgun. He fires a quick two rounds at the body that was beginning to what looks like---mutation-- but it came to a stop.

(Chris)- " J'avo. A highly efficient, versatile and deadly type of B.O.W. They were human beings that have been infected with a primary strain of the C-virus." That rang a bell in my head, these were the creatures back in the China. 

(Chris)-"They still retain most of their human intelligence and faculties, capable to organize strategically. Their greatest ability, however, is their capacity for mutation." As I continue to stare at the bodies they begin to disintegrate, sizzle until there was nothing left of the them.

(Chris)- " Scott, you froze...what happened?"

(Scott)- "I---it was approaching me too f-fast! I was still putting my weapon back together.." 

(Marquez)- "You've done this exercise before-- you should know what was coming" he commented.

(Porter)-"  I don't see a point in this, sir." I subtly roll my eyes, no one caught it. 

(Chris)- " This exercise is to see if a soldier can handle a life threatening situation. If your weapon were to jam while an enemy is charging towards you---act quickly to defend yourself and your other members...or get yourselves all killed." From my side vision-- all of us shifted positions. Uncomfortable... maybe. 

(Chris)- "I've seen too many soldiers die in a situation such as this one." his voice was stern, almost angry like...I could only imagine what Chris has been through.

Now I understand what these training exercises are for..

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