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[Raccoon City Police Station] 


 Marvin plants himself down on a small seating sofa, moving a laptop closer to him. Leon examines his surroundings, opening up green crates left behind. I sat down on a green cot bed, curtains giving me some privacy to collect my thoughts. My head in between my legs--arms holding myself, I'm not sure how to address this situation. People who are lying on the ground-- dead-- are getting back up and attacking the living. It sounds so fucking ridiculous! My eyes dart to the blood stained Jeans, it was covered in red. Michael's blood was blended in with the rest of the giant red stain. Who's blood is this?! I have strangers blood on me. I feel dirty.I begin to tear the fabric off me, zipping down my legs over my boots. The dress that had bunched inside the jeans falls making it a dress again--the sheer leggings I kept underneath had slight rips but nothing too bad. In this kind of situation-- I don't give a fuck about what I look like. I chuck the Jean's next to the empty cot beside me. I let out a sigh and rake my fingers through my hair.

(Leon)- "Hey.." Hearing his soft voice coming around. My head lifts up seeing that he has changed out of a regular clothing and into police uniform. I keep my mouth shut, seeing in his blue eyes-- I see worry, maybe even a little fright in them. Almost like mine. He walks closer towards me, seeing something in his hands.

(Leon)-" I found an extra one of these, thought you would like to wear one." he lifts up an R.P.D police vest. I reach up and grab it from his hand, our fingertip lightly brush each other. I don't think he even noticed it, my eyes drag to his face again. I was kind of stunned seeing this cute guy. What was his name again? Leon Kennedy?

Gaghhh-- This is fucking crazy, there's dead people roaming around outside and here I am thinking how good looking this guy is. If Michael were here-- he would tell me to forget about it and focus on surviving. 

(Y/n)- " Thanks.." I mumble, keeping quiet-- but my mind is racing all over the place. He nods taking a step back giving me the space he thinks I need. I don't know what I need, I lost my best friend about an hour ago. That feeling I was dealing with during that time was terrifying--and I don't want to go through that again. I don't want to be alone.

(Y/n)- "Are you a cop or just dressing the part?" I lightly chuckle to lighten the setting. His body comes to a stop--positioning himself sideways, he flashes a side grin.

(Leon)- "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a rookie." He lightly chuckles tilting his head. I give him a small smile but it quickly fades-- thinking about the situation we're in.

(Leon)- "You live in town?" he asks adjusting his gear.

(Y/n)- "Uhmm..yeah" I stood up to remove Michaels army jacket from my arms laying it on the green cot. I begin to unbuckle the straps of the vest, my eyes dart away from Leon, looking at the vest-- I have no idea how to put this on. This is bringing me the same experience when I first got my training bra. 

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now