CHAPTER TWENTY SIX: Written In The Water (Part two)

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The doors won't open-- the power has to be turned on. We found the control room to get moving, Leon begins to flip switches to get the power going. Click, click, click and a soft ' Damn it' from Leon is a little concerning but also a bit humorous. A minor giggle escaped from me.

(Leon)- "Four hard could it be?" He says as his neck tilts focusing on flipping switches. The lighting changed from a haunting red tint to a comforting lit up room, the power is back.

(Y/n)- "Yes!.." I cheer to myself, Leon backtracks and guides us towards the exit.

(Leon)- "Come on!--" A sudden burst of the door being crushed--rubble falling just near above our heads.

(Leon)- "Jesus Chris!" His hands grabbed me by the waist pulling be back away from a fire that is smoking up the control room. I stumble to stand on my feet-- a hand covering my nose from the smoke. My throat is starting to dry-- coughing to breath in some air.

(Y/n)- "What the hell was that?!" My voice was shaky-- in a panic state, We're trapped in this room with the fire spreading. I turn to face Leon-- up in the ceiling some dust sprinkling down, Without any thought I grabbed onto his vest and pull him towards me with his body crashing into mine-- my cheek whacked against his chest. A massive clawed hand broke through the ceiling--barley missing leon.

(Leon)- "Keep your head down!" his hand in my hair to guide me down to the ground to be safe from whoever is attacking. He watches the ceiling for another hand to claw through-- dodging yet another one. I inhale air-- only to cough it back out due to the black smoke. The metal shudder blocking only way out begins to shake-- somethings on the other side. A claw breaks through the shudders and appears to be another monster!

(Leon)- "Lets go!" he shouts and grabs a hold of my upper arm leading us the way the monster came in through.

(Leon)- "It's still alive?!"

(Y/n)- "What do we do?!"

(Leon)- "Jump!" He lowers down and jumps down to a platform below, I jump down with him catching me. Hearing the yells of the monster is getting closer and closer-- shit!

(Leon)- "Here-- you control this, I'll tell you when to push the button." He pushes the button to activate the metal cargo box to retract back.

(Y/n)- "What are you gonna do?!"

(Leon)- " I'll keep it distracted!" I nodded and agreed to his plan-- its too late, its already here. He aims his handgun at the monster-- aiming it at its right shoulder. They eye on its shoulder moves just like any other eye-- keeping it locked onto Leon. firing a full clip into its eye-- the monster drops on one knee.

(Leon)- "I got you! (Y/n)-- now!" he gave me the signal, my fist pounded the button and in comes the cargo. It pushes the monster off the edge but his claw still hangs on. It climbs its way back up shrugging off his pain, I pressed the button once more to retract it back to go for it again. It goes for an attack to leon but he dodged it time. His handgun fires six more rounds until-- a click, click, click. He's out.

(Leon)- "Shit!"

(Y/n)- "Leon!" the shotgun I still carry in my hands, I toss it towards him and he caught it with ease. He aims the shotgun in the direction of the monster and pumps out a round into the iris. I knew now is the time to press the button-- I slammed my fist once more and coming back was the cargo. The monster tries to battle with the machine and stay on platform but it wasn't strong enough--- it tries to climb its way but with the weight of it causes the hook to break. the cargo and monster all fall into the darkness-- crashing and hitting everything on the way down.

Leon makes his way towards me handing me the shotgun.

(Y/n)- "Keep it, you could use it more than me."

(Leon)- "Let's hope that's the last of him."

(Y/n)- "Remember what Ada said...Nothing dies down here"

(Leon)-"I think we'll change that...come on, lets get out of here"

(Time Skip)

Making our way back was a breeze. Finally reached the door we were suppose to get to before the attack, Leon grabs hold of the handle and force it down to open the door. It raises and we both kneel down to to the other side quicker.

(Leon)- "Ada!? Ada, Where are you?!"

(Y/n)- "Ada!?"

(Ada)- "Over here!" We spotted her clenching her leg, we make our way in her direction.

(Leon)- "Ada...I was getting worried there for a sec..." In the back of my mind-- karma is a bitch. I look down at her leg and there was a piece of metal lodged into it. damn-- that must've hurt.

(Ada)- "I can't get it out."

(Leon)-" I don't know If I should, uh..."

(Ada)- "Just do it. I can't walk like this."

(Leon)- "'s gonna hurt" Ada prepares herself for the pain to come. Leon grabs at the metal object and yanks it out of her thigh, he tosses it away.

(Leon)- "Hold on..." he begins to apply first aid to her wound.

(Ada)- "I can do it myself." annoyance in her tone, seemed like she didn't want to be taken care of.

(Y/n)- "Just relax okay...let us help you" I kneeled down next to Leon to help assist.

(Leon)- "Apply some pressure here.." he takes my hands to Ada's wound, I pressed down on it feeling blood stain my palms. She groans from the stinging in her thigh. Leon begins to wrap around her leg and I move my hands away for him to continue.

(Ada)- "Strange coming from you...I knocked you out, why are you helping me?" I quickly glanced at her before darting my eyes to Leon, he doesn't say anything.

(Y/n)- "If we're gonna make it out of here--we're gonna need you too." she lets out a small sigh and lowers her head, almost as if she feels bad for hitting me.

(Leon)- "So...what do we do now?" he just about wraps up her wound and now is safe and clean until it needs to get professionally looked at.

(Ada)- "You two get yourselves out of here. while you still can" Leon was taken aback by her response.

(Leon)- "We're not just going to leave you. Not like this."

(Ada)- "You both don't understand. The situation's worse than I thought. "

(Leon)- "You're not getting rid of us that easily"

(Y/n)- "You protected us-- let us help you...even though you hit the back of my head-- but that's beside the point."

(Ada)- " The both of you are strange and unusual." leon offers her a hand to stand back up on her feet.

(Leon)- " Grab my shoulder."

(Ada)- "Don't push it, rookie" she says as she takes her arm back.

(Leon)- " Okay.... Just trying to help" he turns his back towards and shoots me a little smile.


Sorry for this rushed chapter, I've been super busy with things and getting ideas/typing for present day chapters soon to come (:

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