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Present Day

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Present Day

(Woman)- "Excuse me?" a voice called out to me but I was a million miles away.

(Woman)- "Excuse me? You're next in line" My eyes blinked rapidly--coming back to my body.

(Y/n)- "Oh-- Sorry." I apologize. I walk up to the front counter and told the cashier my order, paid and waited a moment for my coffee to be called. I take the hot cardboard cup and walked to the front of the shop to find an open seat. Maybe a window seat? But then people would walk on by and stare at me-- which is awkward for two seconds. I look around some more but not really many options, There's one to the far left near the mural wall of a coffee beans, the ingredients to make the perfect cup. It's a good isolated spot-- but the person sitting near by is man who looks very flirty and hoping to talk to someone. I do not want to be that someone. Another spot was in the middle of the shop, two small couches with a coffee table in the middle. One of the couches were taken by two women, by the looks of them they brag about their latest fashion accessories. I can just see it in their eyes...once they take one good look at me-- I'll be able to hear their judgements.

Window seat it is.

I take a seat in the stool in front of the window shop, I dug my phone out of my jean jacket pocket along with my headphones. Plugging the headphones into my ear, I load spotify and shuffle my playlist. I don't care what song it is, I just need to cancel everyone out and think to myself. A sigh of relief escapes my mouth, a song-- that I can listen to a thousand times and it will never get old fills my ears and puts me at ease. My hands reaches for my coffee and brought it up to my lips, took one sip-- and It was enough to burn my throat. I wince at the hot temperature, my eyes look out the window seeing the women from the couches take a quick glimpse of me and they giggle to themselves. I dart my eyes down at the counter to avoid their laughing faces. Why wasn't going home an option? It's too late now.

I noticed my phone hasn't locked itself yet, my index finger begins to tap on the dark wooden counter. I told myself to stop looking at them, looking at them will only bring me down. I need to stop and look at something else. I raise my chip up and accidentally made eye contact with a man passing by the window. My eyes dart back down to the phone which is now locked.

My leg begins to shake.

It can't hurt to look again.

I took my index finger to unlock my screen, the wallpaper in the background of my apps is Major and Cyrano cuddling beside each other. Major is getting bigger everyday--soon he won't be my little guy. Cyrano will gain that title. I smile to myself, I already miss them. I tap on the messages icon and look for his name. Once I found it-- I pressed on it to take me to our conversations.

LEON: Are you sure you want to do this?

I thought we already discussed this :(Y/n)

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now