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How long have I been doing this? This mission is taking longer than I expected. My mind is elsewhere, I suppose (Y/n) is partially to blame.

A slanted grin spread across my face, eyes closed in thought of the day I spent with her before I left.She's decided to give this a try. Wait....Let me rephrase that. I decided to give this a try. I was the one who kept leading her-- thinking we could become more when I thought it could never work. I made excuses to keep her away somewhere safe-- away from Umbrella, away from any threats--everything to keep her life normal. Something I wish I had. She knows little about the Outbreaks that took place in the Arklay Mountains and Raccoon City. Of course she has questions but I withheld answering her, It wouldn't be fun if I just told her everything. I'll tell her little by little. Something is still bothering me every now and then...Kamil's virus is within her, she's permanently involved in my world. 

I suppose it's my fault, I was the one who kept leaving and returning--I could've just stayed away.

..But in a way...the more I think about it..

She's the normality that I need  to keep me from going insane. The things I see on my missions varies. 

The mood changes suddenly.I let out a soft scoff with the same grin on my face, I'm getting this feeling something or someone is watching me. My orders are to keep a low profile and to gather any intel I could find, somehow this got a little interesting. I look down at my shoes--already its getting scuffed up. My hands were inside my leather jacket pocket, the wind blew a nice chill breeze making my bangs float with it. I lift my chin up-- quick glimpses of people's faces as they walk right pass me. A few women give me flirty smiles, I ignore them. I have no interest, maybe my younger self would've made some kind of reaction.

My body feels eyes watching me, their stare digging into my back. I can't look behind me-- they'll know I've caught onto them.There. A park.Not too many people walking by. I walked across the street and on the path of the park, the wind blew the leaves making them fall and scatter all over.

I hear other footsteps behind me-- not just my own but just one. It was a tap,tap,tap-- sounding like if it was the stick of a heel.A smirk started forming on my lips. I stop and the tapping on the ground stops immediately.

(Leon)-" This is starting to get old..." I say dryly. I turn my body around to see a tan long suede  trench coat, A red scarf loosely tied around the neck, black blouse and skin tight black pants with black boots up to her knees. Hair is dark and always kept short. She had a smirk already growing.

(Leon)- "..Ada." She lets out a small chuckle and steps towards me. 

(Ada)-" Pardon me." she spoke softly, I take a step to the side for her to walk past me and sits at a nearby park bench.My head tilts seeing her lowering her tinted black sunglasses slightly down the bridge of her nose to eye me. 

I walk over to the bench and sat beside her with space in between us-- making it look like we were strangers. I examine around us-- a few people sitting around the park-- minding their own business, feeding some pigeons and enjoying the sun. 

(Leon)- "What are you doing here?" I say in a low tone. 

(Ada)- " I'm here on business." She says as she takes out a small compact mirror from her purse and checks her make up. I don't know why I bother even asking, I should know by now the way she is.

(Ada)- " How's the girl? " She says in a tone like she already knows the answer.

(Leon)- "I have you to thank don't I?" she lets out a chuckle. I don't know why Ada would be interested in this-- or why she helped but...

(Leon)-"...Thank you." 

(Ada)- " For what? " she teases, that got a chuckle out of me. I lean forward--propping my elbows on my knees.

(Leon)- "..and the games continue." I drop my head to the ground with a light chuckle.

(Ada)- "It was beginning to look quite sad for her, keeping her close to you without even giving her any hope. First time I've seen you act so selfishly." 

(Leon)-" Keeping her in the dark was my call." 

(Ada)- "Look where that got her, her body adapted to a engineered virus that is incurable." It still angers me, she doesn't deserve that kind of punishment. 

(Leon)- "She's learning to cope with it" 

(Ada)- "Are you? "I say nothing.

(Ada)-" I'm assuming she knows everything ?"

(Leon)-" No--not all"

(Ada)-" Now who's playing games? " I remain quiet. I have my reasons, eventually will tell her but right now I'm taking my time with it. 

(Leon)-" Want to tell me what you're doing here?"

(Ada)-" I would but I really don't want to add a casualty to my list" she snaps her compact mirror shut and sticks it back into her bag.

(Leon)- " Hmm..You had a chance a long time ago..." I say with a small grin.

(Ada)-" All these years.." she begins wiping her coat from any dirt from her sleeves.

(Leon)-" I'm still here." I say roughly with a throat chuckle. 

(Ada)- " If only you were easy to ignore." 

(Leon)- " Does your business interfere with my mission?" she looks over her shoulder, her eyes right at me. She gives me her signature grin.

(Ada)- " It was nice chatting with you, Leon." she stood up from the bench and the taping below her heels started up again.

Ada wong will never be clear, she will always evade the question. There's no doubt she's here for her own benefit, that includes sabotaging my own mission. Ada Wong works for Ada Wong.

She's the same now as she was back then...

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now