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My foot hasn't stopped tapping since Leon left a while go-- He had to go freeze the solution. He told me to stay put for now-- he'll be back soon. I really hope so. The smallest sound scares the hell out of me...anything can just pop up out of no where. My fingers fiddle with each other-- being patient isn't my strongest gene.


I stood up from the rolling chair and pace all around the lab. I cross my arms over my chest to keep my hands from shaking-- I'm fine, I'm fine-nothing's wrong just...I'm just ..I'm going to get nightmares if we survive this. It might sound childish of me-- but I want my mom. I want her comfort, her warmth-- her voice telling me everything's going to be okay. A soft chuckle escaped my lips-- I remember talking to her this morning. I really miss her... 

A loud thud hits a wall-- A loud bang. My entire body jumped--stopping me from pacing. What the hell was that? 

(Y/n)- "Leon? 


(Y/n)- "Leon?! " I raise my voice a little bit. 


Am I losing it? It's probably my mind playing tricks on me. It's probably nothing. Another bang against the wall starts-- making me take a few steps back bumping into the rolling chair.  

What do I do? Do I follow the noise-- or do I just stay put? If mom were here-- she'd tell me to go see what that noise was. Okay-- let's go see.. I step closer towards the door...nothing... no noise. What the... I open the door going back into the dark vine covered hallway. My hands held closely to the wall-- guiding me through the dark. Why the hell am I doing this?! My breathing starts to pick up the pace...hands trembling. The door fully closes shut-- the hallway becomes pitch black. This was a fucking bad idea! 

(Y/n)- "Leon!?" I say out loud again. Nothing. Where the hell is he?! 

My feet continue to walk forward-- not knowing what I'm walking into. My hands feel cold metal walls-- then nothing--- where did the walls go?! Tongue clicks started soft-- getting higher and higher in sound. My heart felt like it stopped...I froze still...maybe those things won't find me.  I keep moving forward-- even though I don't know what I'm stepping into.  

A light finally flashes in my face-- blinding my vision. 

(Y/n)- "L-Leon?! 

(Leon)- "Get down!" 

I did it with no hesitation. I ducked down huggings my knees.  He fires multiple rounds into it causing it to shriek in pain. It flops to the ground with a splat. Leon's hand grab my bicep and carefully raise me to my feet. 

(Leon)- "You okay?" He asks leading us back into lab where it's safe. 

(Y/n)- "I'm fine.." 

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now