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Your POV

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Your POV

My body jolted up in the up right position, breathing heavily through my nose-- panting trying to get myself under control.  My chests expanding letting the oxygen spread through my body, My throat forced a cough out-- feeling something stuck in it. I cough out seeing blood spraying onto my clothes, feeling it trickle down by the corner of my mouth.  

My hand reaches my mouth wiping it with the back of my hand, the taste of blood lingers in my mouth. It's like I just ate nothing but pennies. My hands were quivering feeling my fingers twitching seeing if they were moving by command. 

My right thumb curls, next I moved my left index finger then my right middle finger. It seems to be moving just fine. 


What was that pain I was feeling earlier? It was all around my stomach, I look down at my abdomen seeing blood stain my clothes. I felt all around my stomach even the hole in the fabric-- dried blood stained my belly.

The wound is gone. 

(Y/n)-"Holy...shit" I mumbled to myself. Last thing I recall was Seeing Kamil's face and feeling this vicious pain.

I raise my chin up looking to wear I am-- I wasn't here before? Was I? I'm on top of a van looking down seeing Kamil, Leon-- that Ada? What the hell is she doing here? My heart drops....Where's Tanner? 

I slowly start to lift myself-- standing tall on top of the van looking down feeling eyes are on me. There's three of them....where's the forth? 

Where's Tanner? 

My eyes scan for him-- where can he be? There's debris everywhere, abandoned cars-- where is he? I hear a quiet groan near by seeing a body laying face down on the pavement, feeling heat rising starting from my feet to my hands-- I run over to the body seeing fingers twitching. 

I dropped to my knees placing my hand on the back-- it is Tanner. His BSAA gear has been torn-- like something attacked him...The rage only grew more inside of me seeing him like this. He lifts his head up slightly trying to get a better look who came beside him. 

(Tanner)-"(Y/n)?" he couldn't believe it, I can see it in his eyes. Seeing his eyes water made the rage in me simmer down. 

(Tanner)-"I-It worked. It really worked..." I gave him a smile showing that I am here and even though I am rage fueled-- there still is some happiness emotions still in me. Tanner's face and body-- he's in really bad condition. I look over my shoulder seeing the three of them still eyeing me. Only ones I'm glaring at are the green ones. 

(Y/n)-"I'll be right back." 

(Tanner)-"No! Don't-- he'll.." he quickly grabs my wrist tugging me back to the ground before I had to chance to stand back up. He coughs up a bit of blood and he spits it to the ground. I look back to Tanner, placing my hand on top of his hand feeling his temperature to be ice cold. Tanner releases his hand trying to get up-- I put my hand on his shoulder glancing at him, hoping he'd read my eyes telling him to stay where he is. 

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now