CHAPTER SIX: Wanting More

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Present Day


My eyes flutter open-- viewing my room at an angle. No-- go back to sleep, I can see the sun's rays peeking through the curtains. I grab the nearest pillow at hand reach and bury myself under it. This isn't helping-- I throw the pillow away from me-- landing somewhere in the room. I lift my head up-- my eyes go big, my brain remembered something. I jolt up in bed-- bouncing on the mattress. The sheets fall off-- my chest exposed in the empty bedroom. I shriek--quickly grabbing the sheets up to my bare chest. My heart was racing a thousand miles. 

What the hell happened?! 

Gaghh-- I know what happened! I just can't believe it, happened! 

I see my clothes from last night scattered all around the floor, my cheeks are starting to get warm at the realization. Leon and I-- we-- it happened. My mind starts to remember from last night, Leon-- the way he was being gentle with me. His arms wrapped around me--holding me, his lips were warm and soft, blue eyes gazing at me-- I yelp and fly back on the bed covering my face. My shrieks became muffled by my hand thrown to my mouth. I jolt back up-- shit, is he still here?! He wouldn't leave after right? He's not that type of guy to hit it and quit it. I scoot to the edge of the bed, I gather the sheets to cover the rest of my body. I need to put on some clothes-- can't walk downstairs in my blankets. Baby stepping over to my closet--er-- his closet? Our closet? Whatever! The Closet, sliding the brown doors to show our clothes neatly organized together in the hangers and top shelf. When was his clothes put in? I grabbed a shirt from his side and slipped it over my head-- dropping the blankets on the floor. I grab a pair of leggings and put them on as well. His shirt was soft and comfortable, even smelled like him too. I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my messy tangled hair. Once it was decent I opened the door to exit out the bedroom, it was quiet-- Major's head pops up from his corner bed and charges off towards me. I made it to the bottom step his paws on my thighs. I give him air kisses and playful hands. 

My eyes scan the room-- he's not here either. Where could he be? My mind is racing-- he could probably be thinking how this was a bad idea, maybe he thought I'm terrible in bed-- or he left on a mission? I don't know-- many possibilities are going through my head. my feet walk closer to the living, and kitchen-- he's not here either. The shot glass and vodka bottle are still on the counter. 

I make towards the island counter and sat at the bar stool, my feet not even close to touching the ground. my elbows prop up supporting my chin. I head falls down-- staring at the granite pattern of the counter. Images play in my head again, his bare chest-- muscles flexing, my hands touching his skin, being that close to him. I yelp leaning all the way back up on the stool-- forgetting the bar stool doesn't have a back rest support. I ended up falling over to the ground with a loud thud. 

My view from the floor was the white ceiling-- the lights built into it. I still can't believe I'm living in Leon's house-- I mean, I don't know what to think of all this. This is what I wanted in the beginning  right? Yes! It is what I wanted, I followed his path to get close to him. What is it about him that just gets me so--

(Leon)- "Shirt looks good on you than it does me" his voice creeps up-- distracting me from my thoughts. I view him upside down still laying on the ground. My mouth stays closed-- struggling to get any words out. He walks over to me-- his boots barely making any sounds. He stood above me with his hand out for me to grab. My right hand reaches out and grabs on, he pulls me up with ease. Standing back at my feet, I stumbled-- my cheek brushing his black t-shirt. My nostrils inhale his scent-- almost made my knees weak. 

(Y/n)- "I-- uhm--" I mumbled. Come on! What the hell is wrong with me?! Now that we got this far-- I'm acting like an idiot!

(Leon)- " Heh, here I thought you would be acting strange" He chuckles in his throat with a grin. I don't know-- how to act now that we-- ya know. I can't stop thinking about it. His eyes gaze down on me-- giving me our thing. I could feel the attraction between us, I want him. I want him again. He releases his hold on--leaving me standing in the middle of the kitchen. Here I thought he was going to kiss me or something. I shoot a puzzled look behind his back. 

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