CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Another Thing To Fear

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Thank you guys for your comments and what I think I should go with this story, I'm a little lost in it. 

Here's a chapter for you guys, had this one saved in my drafts for a while.

More chapters coming soon 



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I place the back of my hand gently across Marvin's forehead, it was warm-- like really warm. I can't tell if it's me that's this warm or him. I rolled my jacket sleeve up and exposed my forearm to gently lay across his forehead again. Shit, he's burning up. If this is a fever--it isn't a good sign. I take my forearm back and sat on my knees on the ground-- worrying for Marvin. If only there was a way to just get out through the front of the station and just make a run for it, but that's fucking impossible with those--things! 

A metal creak opens behind me, I don't turn to look. Leon was inspecting a secret massage when the three medallions were completed. I hear Leon mumbling to himself. 

(Leon)- "That's it-- that's our way out." my ears picked up on it. I looked over my shoulder to see him holster his gun and make a quick jog towards us.

(Leon)- "Lieutenant Branagh! Marvin!" I dart my eyes to Marvin who heard nothing and continues to groan in his sleep. 

(Y/n)- "What's going on?" I ask as my eyebrows furrow.

(Leon)- "Time to go." 

Oh thank god, about damn time we're leaving. I've had it up to here with this police station. Infected people--Zombies! Excuse me, even though it sounds so stupid saying it in my head. Lickers-- like what the fuck?! Where did they come from?!

I focus my stare to Leon then to Marvin who is in no condition to walk. He came closer to attempt to wake Marvin up.

(Leon)- " Hey, Marvin..." Marvin jolted up-- making me jump back-- sitting on my bum on the ground. Marvin didn't look too well, he looks like he's about to be sick. He pants and inhales large amounts of air, he could've been having a bad dream. Hell...I'd be too. 

(Leon)- "We need to get you to a hospital right now" I slightly nodded in agreement. 

(Marvin)- "No, no...I....Save yourself... " he clenches his side with a pained expression on his face. Leon ignores him and reaches out to help him stand.

(Leon)- "Come on, I've got you--" 

(Marvin)- "Go! " He jerks away from Leon's hands. I look up to Leon who has his eyes on me too. He purses his lips in a straight line before he takes a breath in. 

(Leon)- "Look, we can still make it out of here together, if you just gimme--" Leon makes another attempt forward. Marvin quickly turns around--a handgun in his left hand--aiming towards Leon. I froze sitting on the ground. Leon seemed a bit startled as well. Marvin must be out of it-- probably cant think straight with the pain overwhelming him.

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