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The bottom of my boot stepped on glass making a soft crunch, Immediately I aim my weapon incase something heard my  stupid mistake. Nothing. We can keep moving and hopefully we don't run into anything. Tanner kept quiet most of the time-- he's been taking my lead and following with what I say. It's strange to give him orders when he was my lieutenant not too long ago, I look over my shoulder seeing a glimpse of him before looking forward. 

(Tanner)- "What's the matter?" he speaks in a low tone. 

(Y/n)- "...Nothing" I sigh and secretly smile. 

(Tanner)- "Not getting cold feet are ya'?" 

(Y/n)- " No. I'm not." In the back of my mind there's a little voice very faintly telling me to turn back and to run-- this isn't worth it. I wont listen to that voice-- I gotta do this. I bite in the inside of my cheek to fight back those emotional tears. 

(Tanner)- "Hey." He called. I looked over my shoulder again and he points his weapon to what caught his attention. I look to my left seeing rows of houses-- one stood out to me immediately 

(Y/n)- "Why is this important? We already came here." 

(Tanner)-"His house is chalked up with information, we barely had little time to search through it all. Now that we're here might as well sweep it clean." He changes coarse and heads towards the house. 

(Y/n)- "Tanner." He didn't listen. I sigh and jog to catch up with him. 

(Y/n)-"I thought I was leading?" 

(Tanner)-" You are." 

(Y/n)-"Then we should be heading towards the station, get what we need and get out." 

(Tanner)- " I get that you have your motive for being here, now I have one too. Find a cure for you." He heads inside turning the light on from his weapon and begins to search. 

I bite my cheek again. I exhale out and follow him inside. Everything was the same as when we first came in-- nothing has changed. I turned my light on my rifle, not like I'm going to see anything different but Tanner is focused on digging deeper into his home. Tanner leads us to the door that heads down to the basement, to think he lied to me when he said there was mold...I let out a scoff. 




As I got down each step the more I get an eerie feeling. Tanner puts his weapon to his back and begins to flip through stacks of paperwork, files scattered around-- I don't like being here a second time. 

(Y/n)- "Didn't you get everything off his computer?" 

(Tanner)-"Not all of it. Some of it was missing-- some corrupted. It's like his research, his data-- he didn't want anyone to know about it." 

(Y/n)- "Or steal it, by making it better than his." 

(Tanner)-"Hmm.. Give me a second." He says as he continues to rummage through the papers. 

I looked behind me seeing the items I discovered when I was here, Morgan's things.  I just cant even imagine her being down here. He probably brought others down here-- not just Morgan. He could have taken me...but he didn't. I was already his experiment when he first arrived. All of my memories that he's in came flooding back bringing in emotions along with it. Now's not the time, remember why I'm here in the first place. 

(Y/n)-"Tanner, why did you choose this path?" 

(Tanner)-"What do you mean?" he answers not looking in my direction. 

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now