CHAPTER THIRTY TWO: Pity And Fear (Part Two)

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What is up you guys! 

I KNOW it's been soooooooo damn long.

 I apologize.

 I've been extremely busy-- but I have been typing little by little. I lost where the story was going-- so I had to re-read the entire series and I got it back. 

Enjoy :) 



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(Time Skip)

Rapid firing goes off massively-- the animal like shrieks follow after. Porter's shouts and taunts can be heard just blocks away. There he is! Porter is pinned behind a navy blue minivan-- he was reloading his weapon. Where is Scott?! I don't see her. Chris begins to fire at the BOW closest to him.

(Chris)- "Spread out!" he shouted. Tanner scatters to the left and I to the right. A good distance from the each of us. I came to a sudden halt-- a human figure crouched like an animal about to pounce on its prey. Their eyes, sharp razor like teeth... Tanner and Chris look over their shoulders to see I've been separated from them.

(Tanner)- "(Y/n)!"he was worried for my safety.

(Y/n)- "Go! Help Porter-- I'll find a way around!" I shout back to them, Chris nodded with his approval.

(Chris)- " Tanner, Let's go!" Tanner hesitated-- gritting his teeth but he listened to Chris' order and ran to go help Porter. This thing takes a step forward and my foot takes a step back. Another one leaps to the right of me-- shit-- they're trying to corner me. I have to get out of here, I reached into one of the pockets in my tactical vest. Will a flash grenade work on these things? Let's find out. I remove the pin and tossed it in front of them--shielding my eyes from stunning myself.

My feet starts to fall back--running down the street. It worked! their distressed cries was a good sign. I look over my shoulder to them recovering but their cries were enough to summon more of them. Shit! Two more appear. Two chase after me and the others disperse into the shadows-- where the hell are they going?! Worry about that later-- I gotta meet back with Chris and the others. I go around the block-- maybe it'll be clear there. I reached the end of the street, one BOW appeared to the left side, no choice but to go right. sprinting down-- the roads were scattered with cars. Sidewalks were a no-go either! Looks like I'm gonna have to make a detour. My feet continue to zig-zag up and down a few blocks-- hearing their grunts and pants behind me. They're really not giving up. A dark shadow pounced onto the roof of a car-- crushing it instantly-- I stumble on my feet falling on my rear. I quickly pick myself up and run in a different direction-- weaving through fallen obstacles.

Wait--I know this old home is just four houses down. I could hide out there and wait till they lose interest-- and rendezvous back to Chris. Okay-- that's the plan.I pick up the pace and spotted a cop car toppled to the side, I slid behind it as cover. I take these few seconds to catch my breath. My mouth is dry-- my feet are cramping..they're tiring me out. I'm a lot farther away than I wanted to be..but I gotta lose them. Their footsteps caught up to me--hearing their nails scrap the concrete. They growl and hiss-- trying to find me in this mess of abandoned vehicles.

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