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I look down at our hands-- our fingers intertwined. Just at the sight of it makes my chest tighten, butterflies in my stomach. Despite the age gap between us-- Leon is the only man to make me feel this way.  I dart my eyes to the back of his head seeing his hair flowing along with the wind catching a glimpse of his blue eyes. 

Why him? 

Why does it have to be Leon?  

I could have been with a really nice guy who has a career, loves cars and baseball, wants a family-- the normal things. Instead I waited years of my life for man who is...thoughtful, strong, selfless, mysterious and romantic...I'm losing my train of thought...Why am I thinking about this-- Just look at our hands! Leon Kennedy is...he's--- he's mine. My lips form a smile grin my free hand raises up to my mouth trying to cover it up. 

(Leon)- "What're you smiling about?" he says smoothly with a grin himself. 

(Y/n)- " Tell you later."  We enter back into the house making our way to the office room seeing Claire with a phone against her ear and a tablet resting on her forearm for her to see.

(Claire)- "Thanks. Call you soon-- bye." She ends the call and sets her phone on the corner of the desk. She lets out a huff. 

(Leon)- "Anything good?" He releases our hands and now hanging at our sides. I wanted to keep holding it. 

(Claire)- "Hm, what do you want first? The bad or good news?" She picks up a tablet tapping her finger all across the screen.

(Leon)- " Whats the good news?" 

(Claire)- " A friend of mine-- let's just call him Bucky. He's found a couple of these anonymous buyers that's interested in the virus. Onieka Poe, Jared Mullings, Dawn Stiegel, Gerald England, Andrew Hyland is a big bidder out of the few. " she continues to scroll down saying more names aloud. 

(Y/n)- " How is this good news? A lot of people want this virus." I get this sudden feel of a lot of eyes are watching behind me, I'm getting a chill down my spine. Leon's hand snakes its way to my hip bringing me closer to his side offering some comfort. It's not just that-- but the thought of people looking at me outside the window display... All for the virus, don't care what happens to the civilian.

(Claire)- "It's a lead we got so far, we're looking further into why these sort of people--their companies want with the virus." 

(Leon)-" What's the bad news?" he says as his nose flares while exhaling. 

(Claire)-" One of the names on this list.." She hands Leon the tablet for him to see. 

(Claire)- " It's Lucas Donovan." My eyes widen at the name Donovan. That was Kamil's last name-- why is it on that list?

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now