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(Time Skip) 

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(Time Skip) 


(Hunnigan)- " Seems I got everything word for word. You're orders remain the same, keep your sights on (Y/n). Protect her and the virus. " My brow slightly twitches. She could have worded that differently.

(Leon)- "If protecting the virus is the main priority, shouldn't she be with higher security?" 

(Hunnigan)- " You don't think you can manage this assignment?" I smirked.

(Leon)- " That's not what I'm saying." It's the not assignment, she is someone very close to me but she's also the main subject. This probably has to be the most personal mission I've ever been assigned to, not like I had much of a choice.

(Hunnigan)- "We trust that our top agent can handle this. Besides, doesn't this give you the time be with her?" Hunnigan lightly chuckles under her breath.

(Leon)- "I'm not complaining." I chuckle softly along with her.

(Hunnnigan)- "Well keep up the good work and I'll contact you soon for more updates." She ends the call hearing nothing but silence on the other end. I set the device down on the counter next to my glass, I bring the glass to my lips and take a sip. 

I hear footsteps heading towards the kitchen. (Y/n) stands there with a disheveled head of hair dressed in pajama shorts and one of my black t-shirts. She yawns and rubs her eyes like a child would do after a nap. I looked over to the clock displaying on the stove-- 1:52 a.m. I didn't realize how late it's gotten. 

(Y/n)- "Leon? " She says my name tiredly. 

(Leon)- "Sorry, did I wake you?" She moves her head side to side walking closer towards me. She looks down seeing the device and my glass of whiskey. She raises my glass and takes a sip herself. 

(Y/n)- "Raided Claire's liquor stache?" She makes a sour face expression, I couldn't help but grin.

(Leon)- "My stache, actually." I take the glass from her hand and down the rest of it. I thought about pouring another glass but it is getting late.

(Y/n)- "You should be getting some rest" 

(Leon)-" I'll get around to that, had to report to Hunnigan" 

(Y/n)- "Did she say anything new?" 

(Leon)- "Nothing that you already know" I place my hands on her hips and lifted her up on the countertop. Her cheeks have a light shade of pink on them. Our eyes lock, her breathing slow. I look to her lips for a quick second and then back to her eyes.

I let out a deep sigh. 

(Leon)- "Would you feel safer if you had more people to protect you?" Her brows wrinkle.

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now