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Your POV

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Your POV

The room.

The room is too bright. 

I am too damn comfortable to get up and turn the brightness down, which I mean by is getting up and closing the curtains to the windows. I always forget to close them the night before.

Ugh.... it's bothering me. 

My eyes fluttery open seeing my view in a vertical position, my hand stretches out feeling white linen sheet underneath my palm. This side of the bed is empty-- cool to the touch. No one has been here in a while. I sat up in bed viewing the room I was in, of course it's a normal's my room. Clothes piled on the 'everything chair', dirty clothes spread on the floor, even some left over dishes I have yet to put away in the kitchen. There's something off about it though, I can't put my finger on it....just what can it be? 

I'll figure it out later. 

An alarm goes off on my phone letting me know it's time to wake up, it's Thursday....I think. I have to get ready for work and see what the day holds for me. I head to the bathroom flipping the switch on, the lights flashbang my eyes making me close them shut-- give it a couple more seconds and I should be okay. They flutter open still feeling a slight sting, seeing my reflection in the mirror stunned me more than the lights. My palms pressed onto the counter leaning in closer to the mirror.

What the hell--What the hell happened to me?

My hair was in a tangled mess, my arms and legs were covered in dirt-- that...blood? Who's blood is on me? it's dried on my skin on my arms legs, face and oh god-- even my shirt! my heart races, looking down at my band t-shirt seeing a massive blood stain right in the stomach area. What the hell-- why is there blood? why am I dirty and covered in blood? I lifted up the shirt and look to the mirror seeing nothing-- just my stomach. There was nothing there that made the massive stain on the shirt. 

What happened? 

(Y/n)-"The hell..." I back away from the mirror and head to the shower to get myself cleaned up.

(Time Skip) 

I closed the locker shut hearing a click afterwards and slipping in the preset lock to keep my things safe, I stand there looking at my locker body feels off. Ever since this morning I've been getting this really weird vibe, I don't know what this feeling is. My body jumps when the women's locker room gets knocked on three times, shit, why am I so-- not myself today? 

I walk out of the women's locker room and there standing near by was a familiar face.

(Niko)- "There she is!" He smiles widely. My shoulders feel relaxed at the sight of him, I take in a deep breath still feeling that off setting feeling. He spreads his arms out waving his hands for me to embrace him. I couldn't help but smile, okay fine. I accept his hug and wrap my arms around him, It was difficult with his police uniform on.

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now