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Marvin is resting on the sofa-- trying to save what energy he has left

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Marvin is resting on the sofa-- trying to save what energy he has left. I rest my bum on the bottom step of the west staircases. I turn my head to look over to the knife I had laid beside me. The knife had stained blood splotches all around the steel blade, the thought of using it scares me.Even worse-- having to use it on Leon, Marvin or myself. I don't know If I can even use it on them, I'm afraid of being alone again. My eyes look around viewing the main hall, nothing new. My eyes dart to Marvin, his hand was still clenching his ribs. Poor Marvin, he's in so much pain. He needs to go to a hospital. I feel fucking useless just sitting here, I could be out there helping but I'm to fucking scared to go on my own. I hug my knees close to my chest and rest my chin on my forearms. 

Who was the woman on the computer? 

Leon had a look of excitement on his face. A girlfriend maybe?  I sag my shoulders a bit at the slightest thought. I don't know why I'm thinking about this while the town is burning, but for some reason I'm feeling a little jealous. 

It's fucking stupid, I know. 

Michael would probably smack the shit out of me, but he would also push me to make a small move on him. I scoff with a smile but it fades back into a straight line. Who ever that woman is, if she or Leon are an item-- it isn't any of my business. Besides, I don't even know Leon-- He's a stranger.

I have to admit, he's very cute for a stranger.

His eyes really stand out to me, other than his chiseling jawline, his dirty blonde colored hair--and his fit physique. How old do you think he is? Twenty one? Twenty two? Twenty three maybe? Gaahh--stop, stop. Stop thinking about him-- he's a stranger for god sake! I don't know anything about him. We're just two people who happened to be stuck in an outbreak, A rookie cop and an average woman caught in the middle. 

I don't think a guy like that would ever be interested in me....

A sudden loud crash made the floor vibrate and my body jump to stand on my feet. My heart racing a thousand miles. What the hell was that?! My mind is racing. The thoughts running through my mind, Is Leon okay? What made that crash? What should I do? My eyes dart to Marvin and back in the direction where the explosion might've came from. Leon could be hurt-- but he told me to stay here and watch over Marvin. I'll look like an asshole If I leave him here. Fuck-- I don't know what to do!

I grit my teeth, almost biting the sides of my cheeks. I want to go see what made that loud crash, would Marvin be okay being by himself If I go wondering the station?


I rake my fingers through my hair. I should go help Leon, he could be in trouble. I walk over to Marvin--kneeling down beside him. 

(Y/n)- "M-Marvin--" my voice was shaky. He says nothing. Fuck-- I should just go-- he'll be okay by himself. I stand on my feet, I head over to the knife I left by the steps-- I grab it and held it in my hand and begin to walk to the east side of the staircase, each step I take-- my heart begins to race, my breathing getting heavier and heavier by the second. Once I got to the top-- walking down the hall to enter the door on the left. The room was well lit and provided comfort a little bit. By the looks of the layout of this room it looks like it could be some kind of waiting room, there in the corner--a rack of magazines.My ears pick up a distant fire alarm--possibly in the next room. My footsteps were soundless making it to the other door. It squeals open-- oh shit. The first air I breathe in was heavy smoke-- my chest begins to hurt. My throat begins to get dry and cough aggressively but I walk through to continue. 

A Satisfied Mind (RE2: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#5] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now