CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: You Know You Gotta Help Me Out

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(Leon)- "Hmm...what are they after?" he mumbles to himself, I didn't listen in on what the man had on his tape recorder-- only Leon's ears heard it all. I look behind me-- feeling this unsettling sense that something is going to happen. 

(Y/n)- "Do you have the key card?" I ask in sort of an impatient like tone-- wanting to hurry and hopefully get out of here for good. 

(Leon)- " I got it right here." he raises it up to show me and slips it in his pocket. 

(Y/n)- "Thank god.." I let out a relieved sigh, Leon must've seen my expression because his lips form a small grin as he walks on by next to me. 

(Y/n)- "So once we get out of the parking garage-- we get a car, we drive out of the city?" please let that be the plan. 

(Leon)- " Not quite... we still have to meet up with Claire." Oh right-- The girl that he came with. I stay quiet, keeping to myself. Once we started walking through the dark jail area-- a siren goes off with red rotating lights in the distance. My heart was racing up again-- What is going on?! Did those jail doors open the infected?! 

(Leon)- "That's not good" he holds his handgun ready for what's around the corner. 

(Y/n)- "What do we do?!" My voice all panicky. 

(Leon)- "Push through!" he shouts as three corpses stagger our way. He shoots one in the head-- and shoves its body at another. I follow Leon's every step-- going to the far end of the hall. We were quick on our feet-- the snarls coming from their mouths, their hands reaching out to grab us-- I was about to scream. Leon turns behind him and makes a quick grab at my arm and pulls me ahead of him while he fires his handgun at the infected. Not even a second to feel relieved-- my eyes widen at the sight of the obstacle coming our way. 

(Y/n)-" We got another problem!" I shouted. 

(Leon)- "Gimme a break!" he yanks on my arm in the direction he's leading-- towards the giant thing! He raises his handgun aiming at the large man in the trench coat, two bullets go off--- hitting him in the shoulder. How does he not feel that!?! The man raises his large arm and ready to strike. Leon's hand release my arm-- feeling his fingers digging behind my head and pushing it down barely dodging it's swing. Two more bullets go off--Leon grabs onto my wrist dragging us away as the thing dropped to one knee. Turning at the corner-- a few bodies snarl and make a grab at my shoulders forcing Leon and I apart. Teeth exposed--seeing it covered in gunk-- whatever it was chewing on earlier really latched on. I use all the strength I can to push away-- I tuck in my knee and kick the gut, it stumbles backwards until it falls on it's behind. Leon dealt with his attacker and shot it dead. 

(Leon)- "Come on!" he grabs onto my wrist again and off we run to safety. Once in the parking lot-- the wall to our left burst into rubble. The cause of the sudden burst was the large thing in the trench coat. It's face looked human-- but the color of it's skin isn't. Seeing it this close is more terrifying when it was chasing us. It makes a harsh grab at Leon's throat-- raising him off the ground. His legs kick back struggling to get out of it's hold-- the back of his boot hit my nose. The impact made me stumble back-- holding my nose in my hands. I sniff in-- tasting the metal in my mouth. 

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